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Tuesday, July 16, 2024 

Ron Marz hasn't changed, as his reaction to the near assassination of Donald Trump shows

Many have no doubt already heard the horrific news about how former POTUS Donald Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania during his campaign rallies. But not all leftists have condemned it convincingly, if at all, and as far-left comics writer Ron Marz indicates in the following screencaps, he hasn't changed his leftist positions one bit:
A man was almost murdered by a monster from Bethel Park, and all Marz thinks is that right-wingers are hypocrites and maybe even worse than Islamic jihadists? Once again, Marz has demonstrated how, in over 2 decades, he hasn't changed an iota, and while I can't say I've seen many projects he's working on lately, the time's come for publishers to reevaluate working with him, seeing what an embarrassment he still remains. It was bad enough he took the Green Lantern assignment 3 decades ago that only perpetuated severe damage to the franchise that began in mid-1988. But Marz's leftist politics are what really problematic. When will the publishing industry as a whole demand of its leftist contributors to stop being so vocal about politics 24 hours a day? It's only had the effect of bringing down the industry and quality as a whole.

And as seen here, even Mark Waid's still continuing his atrocious rants, this time on the Blue Sky social network (I'm not sure he has an X page anymore), and what he said about Trump was so disgusting, it drew enough backlash that he had to erase it, yet sought to scapegoat "right-wing lunatics" and Comicsgate. Heather Antos and Vita Ayala also said revolting things. Needless to say, for Waid, this damages the impact of his support for the petition in defense of Israeli infant Kfir Bibas from the Wyman Institute. Consider that Donald Trump upheld policies favorable to Israel by recognizing Jerusalem's being the capital city, yet Waid won't even thank him for that from a foreign affairs perspective? Hugely regrettable. After this whole horror story this week, where Trump was lucky to survive, the comics industry has to start proving they can get their left-wing contributors to quit with all the awful rhetoric. It's not helping, and will only bring down the medium in the end.

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Funny, they always claim the Trump supporters are the ones with the hateful rhetoric, yet no proof or examples are given. There are tons of video and audio of the left calling for outright violence. These are people who never met the man, never had any interaction with him, they cannot point to any one thing he did to them to make them hate him so.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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