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Wednesday, March 05, 2025 

Neil Gaiman continues to play victimology

The disgraced comics, novel and screenwriter Gaiman is continuing his pathetic denials of the sexual offenses he was accused of, but what's really peculiar is the following from Variety's report:
In a court declaration, Gaiman stated that he and Pavlovich had bathed together and engaged in consensual sexual activity, but that they did not have intercourse. He denied the lurid rape and abuse allegations raised in the lawsuit.
Gee, isn't that kind of contradictory to say they didn't have intercourse? Because that's part and parcel of sexual activity. Gaiman's clearly desperate, now that Pavlovich has worked him into a corner. Tortoise Media says:
Gaiman said he believes that outside influencers pushed a false narrative of sexual assault against Pavlovich’s wishes.

The allegations of sexual assault against Gaiman – which he strongly denies – first surfaced in a podcast series published by Tortoise last July. In his filing Gaiman said Pavlovich had engaged in a media campaign to pressure him into reaching an unjust financial settlement.
Oh, so in other words, he's accusing her of being a gold digger, and a puppet of his enemies, huh? But he by contrast isn't guilty of any such influence, right? What a sorry case Gaiman is. Interesting how somebody who was such a leftist, one who'd be interviewed by some of the most mainstream left-wing sources in the past, now accuses them of being against him, in a manner of speaking, despite how he'd play up to them in the past. I guess such charlatan authors must've been so confident in the past the MSM wouldn't go against them, and now that they do, they see it as betrayal, because they thought their leftist credentials would make a master shield.

As noted previously, Pavlovich made clear she regretted writing anything positive to Gaiman, and considering there's been several other plaintiffs who've spoken out publicly so far, that's why it does no good for Gaiman to whine. Perhaps Gaiman's mistake was not taking the same approach as actor Chris Noth, who was also accused of sexual assault and abusing model Beverly Johnson in the early 1990s, when he at least told the press he'd "let the chips fall where they will", which I think was a figure of speech for saying he'd let the public judge. That's not what Gaiman's doing here at all, and has to be one of his biggest PR mistakes, in addition to not keeping quiet, which legal experts would surely argue is unwise.

It should be hoped these cases will convince the comics medium, as much as any other entertainment medium, to doing everything possible to clean up their act, and one way they can do so is to make clear to creators in legal contracts what they must avoid in order to retain good images, and ensure what's written up won't be tarnished so easily. It could take time, but if the upper echelons in publishing want to, they can make an effort to hold writers and artists accountable, and persuade them to better their behavior behind the scenes.

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