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Saturday, December 16, 2006 

They want us to tolerate the abnormal, the perverse, the sick

Not to mention the character destruction. In Broken Frontier's interview with Geoff Johns from last month, there appears to be a really unimpressive message being sent that we're supposed to tolerate that Alan Scott's son, Obsidian, was "outed" as homosexual in Manhunter, while at the same time we're supposed to believe that conservatism is bad:
BF: New member Obsidian was recently revealed as being gay. As his father, Green Lantern Alan Scott, is from an earlier, more conservative generation, will this be a source of conflict? GJ: Alan’s been around. He’s seen a lot. Maybe he didn’t expect it necessarily but he can accept it. If he can accept The Spectre as an avenging ghost, I think he can accept a gay son.
Translation: his son is mentally ill, and needs therapy and counseling, yet it's implied that Scott is supposed to just grin and bear it, and not do anything to help his son out of the mind-jam, because, as decreed by TPTB, and some of the industry insiders, this is how it's supposed to be. Homosexuality is supposed to be accepted without argument, and if you dare to voice your objections, you are smeared as a fascist, or worse. Having read this a short time after reading this disgusting report from the New York Daily News (via Moonbattery), about sixth graders getting an education indoctrination in homosexuality, I must say that I feel all the more disgusted about DC's latest character destruction. And as a neo-con myself, I am offended by how the interviewer implies that conservatism is a bad lot, and that Scott's conservative standing is bad. That's practically what's led to such a revival of conservatism, if they haven't come to terms with that yet. Of course, it's not exclusively conservatives who find this objectionable. Even liberals can and do too, and to make it sounds as though it's just a conservative problem is really missing the bigger boat. This is but part of the creeping homosexualization of comic books, and it's really insulting. Mainly because it's never depicted as a problem, and probably not even asked, if at all. We're just supposed to accept it, regardless of whether it's sane or not. And what next, will Islam be presented in comics as the next thing we're told to tolerate and accept, regardless of what it's like? Oh wait, they already did that in Grant Morrison's take on the [New] X-Men, when a Muslim woman named Dust is shown wearing the niqab, and we're supposed to believe that there's no problem with it whatsoever. I think this article from the Weekly Standard shows just how wrong that notion is, and why the burka/veil/chador/niqab is really more like a prison than something that symbolizes freedom. It's a real shame that comics keep bowing to the gay and lesbian smut that they are, regardless of whether it alienates the wider crowd or not. We didn't need Batwoman being turned lesbian, and we certainly don't need Todd Rice being humiliated either. It's just a cover for character destruction and tampering, and it's practically the opposite of character development. It's also another way in which they've destroyed the team of Infinity Inc. Update: many thanks to Dr. Sanity for linking to this!

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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