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Tuesday, January 15, 2008 

Chicago Sun-Times tells the fans to go to...you get the idea

Another example of pretentious mainstream coverage comes via the Couch Potato clips in the Chicago Sun-Times, where they do little more than to insult comic readers who decried the editorial annulment of the Spider-Marriage:
Spidey untangled
Tumultuous uproar among comic-book fans -- you know who you are -- because Marvel Comics has erased the 21-year marriage of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.

In the comic book, apparently, the two got married in 1987, and editors have regretted it ever since. "A married Spider-Man was not where we want to be," Marvel editor Joe Quesada told the N.Y. Post.

So in the latest issue a character called Mephisto uses his special powers, or something, to return the characters to the previous status quo: Pete is young and single, Aunt May is alive, etc. Hands up, all you readers who would like a little chat with Mephisto about your own lives.
Obviously, whoever it is who wrote this does not think much of comics, or of the people who read them. And the last line there is practically offensive.

I don't know who writes this crud for the Sun-Times, but he/she owes an apology.

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