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Saturday, May 23, 2009 

It's just too predictable

Dick Grayson becomes Batman. And the LeHigh Valley Express-Times has taken to their usual gushing:
Three months after Bruce Wayne was sort of killed in "Final Crisis," the "Battle for the Cowl" is over and a new Batman has stepped forward.

Richard Grayson, the original Robin and current Nightwing, reluctantly takes over for his deceased mentor in the final pages of "Battle for the Cowl No. 3" from DC Comics and writer/artist Tony Daniel.
Didn't he take over briefly in the mid-90s? Nothing new here then, but certainly nothing surprising, not even Dick's reluctance, nor is it any big deal.
The only hurdle in the way was Jason Todd, the second Robin.

Jason Todd is most famous for being the Robin who was killed by the Joker.

He got better, but became a bit crazy and violent in his misguided pursuit of justice.
Then he didn't get better. Stop obscuring the problems. If Jason is overly violent, then his character hasn't been the least bit improved since the time before his initial demise in 1989.
Along with a new crime boss, Batman also will have to deal with a new Robin.

Taking over for Tim Drake, the third Robin, is Bruce Wayne's illegitimate son, Damien Wayne.

Damien's a spoiled little brat who's the grandson of Batman villain Rha's al Ghul.
With a city in chaos, Black Mask in control and a new unpredictable Robin, Batman hasn't been this interesting in years.
Uh huh. Damien's characterization is so irritating, it's likely to put people in a position where they're going to be driven to voting for his death over the phone, just like with Jason Todd 2 decades ago, even if it's not his fault for how he's written. Correction: Batman hasn't been this badly exploited and abused as a franchise in years.

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