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Thursday, May 27, 2010 

Something's wrong with Zatanna's series

Comics Alliance reviewed the debut issue of the new series, but what really raised my eyebrows here was this part near the end:
Which isn't to say I didn't have a problem or two along the way. Right at the start, actually. The book opens with Zatanna doing a stage trick where she's chained to a wooden frame and gagged while the Joker and Dr. Light point a massive drill at her from behind. Of course these aren't the actual villains, merely actors in costume performing as part of the finale to Zatanna's show. But, and this is the second time I've had this problem with a DC book, while those characters are fictional to us, the reader, Dr. Light and the Joker are very real people in the world Zatanna inhabits. Both of them are mass murderers. One of them crippled Zatanna's friend. The other raped Zatanna's friend's wife, which led to Zatanna wiping his memory in an act that did severe damage to her own psyche and to her personal relationships to several other heroes. So you'll pardon me if it takes me out of the moment to see her be totally okay with two actors pretending to be these people as part of her show.
Since DC is still going by those horrors as their status quo, I think this is very out of place to be regurgitating it. I'm afraid they're repeated the mistake again for the gazillionth time - bringing up something embarrassing, without even doing much to repair it beforehand. What actors in their right frame of mind, even in the DCU, would want to play Dr. Light after he raped Sue? And is it even appropriate for a magic show on stage?

They really know how to ruin everything.

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Also, think of how she's dressed. Supervillain bondage sex imagery... and a drill... from behind...



Why do I have a feeling that Didio obvious requested the twisted shit for #1?

Wait a mo...He's retarded like that.

What actors in their right frame of mind, even in the DCU, would want to play Dr. Light after he raped Sue?

"Dan? Dan Didio? Is that you?"

After all, there probably isn't a DC Comics in the DCU for him to get his sick kicks off of...

And remember that all of the talk this generates about whether it is appropriate or not helps sell more issues for DC.


Steven G. Willis

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