Muslim "heroes" of the 99 comic and cartoon are going to be broadcast on American TV
The new media outlet, called The Hub, will officially start airing on October 11, with veteran broadcaster Margaret Loesch running the schedule. And on the schedule of The Hub network will be an animated series called “The 99”, which will bring to life the Islamic cartoon superheroes. This is the first time that I am aware of where a religious cartoon series has been broadcast and aimed at the general viewing public.It's also symbolic of the [left-wing] politicization of entertainment, one of the biggest reasons why showbiz has been floundering so in the past decade, because they're repeatedly stuffing this propaganda down everybody's throats, making it impossible to find any escapism.
South Park is hardly a children’s cartoon show, but its incitement of rage from the Islamic world has set a precedent in broadcasting. In July 2001, the 68th show depicted Mohammed the prophet as a super-hero, joining forces with Buddha, Moses and others to fight evil, in an episode entitled “Super Best Friends.” When this episode was broadcast, there was no uproar. Subsequent depictions of Mohammed in South Park have led to deliberate censorship by Comedy Central, and angry reactions from Muslims. Most recently , when Mohammed was depicted, hidden inside a bear suit, Trey Parker and Matt Stone were subjected to death threats.
In such a climate, where adults in America and the West cannot be allowed to see Islam’s main character in cartoon form, it seems to be in decidedly poor taste to have superhero avatars of Allah depicted for children. It seems like indoctrination, an indoctrination made more blatant by Obama’s totally inappropriate promotion of The Ninety-Nine.
The best way to respond to this latest needless nonsense is to avoid the new Hub network, and save tons of money on the TV electric bill.
Update: more on this subject at Jihad Watch and Weasel Zippers.
Update 2: women's rights activist Phyllis Chesler has written about this subject for FOX News, and the disturbing double-standards to be found in this whole mess.
Labels: animation, islam and jihad, politics, terrorism
So you're saying there can't be nice Muslims or evil Christians?
Posted by
Drag |
4:53 PM