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Friday, October 01, 2010 

Will the Flash movie adaptation be like a horror story?

Movieline's website has picked up info that the Flash movie in the works has a writer on it who says he'd like to make it like Silence of the Lambs and Se7en. He told Superhero Hype:
Green Lantern is always a bit lighter than that on earth but mixed with a twinge of the space opera, which has its own epic qualities to it. Flash as we’re getting into it is interesting, too. Though Barry Allen was a little lighter in the comic, I think because of the nature that he was a CSI and moved in this world of crime before this stuff happened. I think it’s tonally somewhere in between GL and Dark Knight. It’s actually a little bit darker than when we were working on Green Lantern, because you’re dealing with somebody who is already a crimefighter in a world of those kinds of criminals and that kind of murder and homicide. I find you talk a lot about different films when you’re working on a film, and we spend a lot more time talking about Se7en or The Silence of the Lambs as we construct that part of Barry’s world, then I thought when we got into it. It helps balance a guy in a red suit who runs really fast.
Wow, I am so NOT looking forward to whatever they have in the works, if all they can think of for Flash - and even Green Lantern - is the horror-thriller genre. He gets it completely wrong where Flash stands, which is more between Superman and Green Lantern, whereas the Emerald Gladiator is more in between Superman and Batman; that is, between brightness and darkness. For Flash, it's more in the direction of Superman.

This reminds me of the abortive Flash-based TV series from 1990-91, which came close on the heels of the Batman movie of the time, and the angle for the TV show was very likely influenced by that 1989 movie (and the music score for both came from Danny Elfman!). When I see what chilling ideas they have for the Scarlet Speedster now, which are probably even worse than what the TV show built its premise upon (hero's older brother is murdered by a vicious gang of motorbike thugs, led by a disgraced, disfigured - are you ready for this? - ex-policeman!), it makes me like that old TV series less and less, as I suspect it could've played a part in where the original comics have ended up now under Johns and DiDio.

And the screenwriter gets it fairly inaccurate about what kind of role Barry Allen played as a scientist: he worked in the lab, wasn't officially active out in the field, and I never got the impression he was actually into solving murders, just robberies, burglaries and hijackings, which can use the talents of a guy of his standing too, for heaven's sake. This has to be another serious problem with how Barry is being spoken about these days: they're taking his scientific background out of context, describing it only in a way that suits their politically correct idea of what a police forensics scientist is meant to be.

And if the story turns out to be as grisly as Silence of the Lambs or Se7en, I certainly won't be hurrying to the theater, where the darkness of the auditorium in use will only make things even more depressing.

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