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In semi-related news, Sports Illustrated ended print-only memberships this week.
We're going to see a mass migration of all periodicals into digital formats. The Big Two may be held back from this transition by the ties to the direct market, but it's going to happen.
Posted by
TheDrizzt |
4:14 PM
Print-only subscriptions.
Posted by
TheDrizzt |
4:15 PM
The digital drift, soon to be a digital tsunami, makes the current print comics the rarest issues ever. Given the attrition rate of past print issues, the fact that the current crop are printed in low numbers to begin with means the retarded SlottSpiderMan, the horrible JMSuperman and JMSWonderWoman and the rest are guaranteed rarities of the futures.
Posted by
Unknown |
4:50 PM
There has to be demand in order for rarity to mean anything.
Which is why I'll never get the mega-bucks now that my early Valiants used to go for back in the day. :)
Posted by
TheDrizzt |
6:11 AM