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Wednesday, October 26, 2011 

If DC were to try a Watchmen prequel, J. Michael Stracynski shouldn't be part of it

Crave Online wrote about the rumors that DC will publish some prequels to Alan Moore's Watchmen. Honestly, I don't think, after what the company has become today, that this could work out well and they should just leave Moore's original work alone. But what's really galling is the mention that J. Michael Stracynski could be involved.

I'm hardly at all a fan of the Watchmen, but I can say that if the writer is going to be someone along the lines Stracynski's fallen over the past decade, it's less likely to be worth bothering about.

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Also at Bleeding Cool there was a comment that Liefeld would be part of this project. LOL I kid you not.

Straczynski is to writing comics, as a two year old drawing is to Da Vinci.

He was great when he made Babylon 5. But he does not understand Comic Book writing.


GO back and watch B5. It hasn't aged well. Lots of monologuing. More than a megalomaniac villain's convention. It was just better than most of the other sci-fi schlock on TV at the time.

Watchmen is a compeltely overrated comics. It introduced themes of moral relativism into comics that have all but wrecked the medium. Alan Moore is also massivley overrated, especially now that he's come out in favor of Occupy Wall Street and has expressed anti-American views.


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