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Monday, May 09, 2016 

Slott contradicts his earlier standing on sexual harassment

Here's a screencap of a USA Today article Dan Slott retweeted, just a short time after supposedly panning Eddie Berganza's sexual harassment scandal:
If we take his retweet as a confirmation his viewpoint coincides with what the paper's saying, does that mean he denies that sexual predators exploit every opening and opportunity to target women and children? Tsk tsk. My dear Slott, are you parchance claiming that if Berganza was going after women in the restrooms, that'd be okay? I don't think any of the ladies you were supposedly backing would be very happy if you implied by ways of a propaganda article that sexual harassment couldn't exist in any way behind the bathroom entrance. How about that, Slott sure does know how to drench his earlier argument so soon after writing it in the first place. Fortunately, most women seem to realize he's not reliable, and I'd strongly advise the ladies to stay their distance from Slott if he can't keep to a consistent path.

Once again, Slott's demonstrated, this time by ways of a retweet, why he's bad for the industry, and explained why so few women read superhero comics, if anything.

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Abortion = "right to privacy."

Using the bathroom = "NO right to privacy."

Making the assumption that Slott will say anything sensible is a lost cause.

Target and other stores could simply add unisex restrooms for biological males who identify as women, and for biological females who identify as men.

They could also have restrooms with fire hydrants for humans who imagine themselves to be dogs, and restrooms with litter boxes for humans who think they are cats.

The controversy over tranny restrooms is a great way for Obama and his sycophants in the media to divert attention from the stagnant economy, and from the news that the administration systematically and repeatedly lied about the nuke deal with Iran.

So many "white knights" trying to protect women and children, but what about the men?

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