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Tuesday, May 03, 2016 

SJWs bashing Frank Cho take away attention from Eddie Berganza case

Artist Frank Cho, who likes to do parodies of petty SJW fits, was hired by DC to draw variant covers for Wonder Woman, and SJW-based outrage culture has struck again by SJWs who despise his styles.

Thinking about this, I'd say they're trying to turn Cho into a variation on Orson Scott Card. Now it's not like Cho hasn't made mistakes I disapprove of. Heck, even Card's not innocent of screw ups. But attacking Cho because he likes to draw parodies of petty whining by SJWs will only ensure that he and others like him draw more to frustrate the SJWs, and deservedly so. And I'm not sure why homosexuality is supposed to be positive but drawing and admiring pics of beautiful women isn't. The only mistakes Cho's made, IMO, is lending his talents to editorial boards at the Big Two who've denigrated the properties they were given the keys to, and taking part in the short-range strategy of putting out tons of variant covers that only the hardcore addicts will buy. It's a waste of money.

While we're on the subject, one of the SJWs happens to be a Comics Alliance writer who said:

Excuse me? Does that mean Cho's supposed to be buying the books everybody wants and not the consumers themselves? Gee, what an epic failure to make a solid rant. The man doesn't even mention that Cho donated to a women's shelter group, something I don't recall Brad Meltzer doing, nor does he praise Cho for offering aid to women in distress. If these are honest charity groups, then it does buy something - the ability to run a shelter organization properly where battered women can go to be safe from abusive husbands/boyfriends. It's just like such a man at CA to be so lacking in chivalry.

In fact, what's so wrong with Cho that isn't so wrong with an artist like Rags Morales? He lent himself to illustrating a book offensive to women (Identity Crisis), featuring a rape scene in the second issue that's a thousand times worse than Cho drawing satirical pictures involving women's rear ends that involve zero sexual assault. If hiring specific artists really matters, one would think they'd have objections to raise about excusing and lionizing Morales so long as he's unrepentant, in contrast to Devin Grayson, who apologized for her grave mistake with Nightwing circa that same year, 2004.

And lest we forget: if this is what the SJWs are going to whine about, they risk obscuring the far more serious Eddie Berganza case. Those who really do find the continued employment of Berganza disturbing would do well to refrain from complaining about Cho's hiring and focus their attention where it really matters, namely, Berganza's spot on the company payroll. The only problem with Cho is that he'd waste his talents drawing so many variant covers, which is just a waste of money and no smart consumer should spend tons on. Nor should he, IMO, be associating himself with DiDio's bunch so long as they're there.

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Ironically Cho's parody covers of the rejected Spider-Woman cover look a lot better than the original one. For one thing the costumes he uses don't look like cheap body paint.

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