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Tuesday, July 05, 2016 

Looks like Mark Hughes is still covering for the fan-baiters

Forbes movie writer Hughes is still proving he has no long lasting value as a commentator on comics, as evidenced by the following comments on the Steve Rogers-as-Hydra-terrorist tale:

Missing the point, as expected. What made the whole affair so distasteful for starters was that they lied in their promotion, making it sound like "evil Steve Rogers" was the real deal, and as though it's a throughly positive road for exploration. If they hadn't been so hell-bent on doing it that way, most people probably wouldn't have been so bothered...except that with Marvel's MO today, that's why it's actually superfluous and insulting. It's hardly a "fauxtrage" in this instance. Yet it figures a man who's capable of villifying Golden Age contributors and their work without making any distinctions would stoop this low, and attack the legitimacy of superhero fans who find the modern marketing approach using "outrage culture" as their strategy offensive. It's still stunning how Hughes sided with faux-fans in the media who're trying to convince the audience Golden Age comics and their writers are inherently sexist and racist, yet never ever admit modern superhero comics are capable of falling victim to the same problems, thanks to faux-fans now working within the companies proper. If he doesn't like the Golden Age tales, as he suggested, he has no business writing about any new superhero-related products either, because he clearly doesn't uphold any of the positive values the creations were built upon.

All this shouldn't be too shocking once you know where Hughes stands though:

So, for a man like Hughes, right-wingers are the crisis, and never left-wingers. Uh-huh. But I guess this shouldn't be a surprise he'd mouth off with stuff like this; he has worked for leftist sources like Huffington Post to boot.

Having thought about this, all I can say is I'm enormously disappointed with Hughes for being such an apologist, and letting his liberal bias get the better of him. He is decidedly not a superhero fan.

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And the PC continues. Tony Stark will likely be killed off and the new Iron Man will be a 15-year-old black girl.

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