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Monday, May 14, 2018 

Kevin Feige says the Marvel movie-verse could add the Muslim Ms. Marvel to their cast

As if we needed another reminder the Marvel movie franchise was capable of turning more leftist and SJW-pandering than it already was, the producer Kevin Feige just told the BBC they could be introducing the SJW-pandering Muslim character Kamala Khan to their movie productions:
Comic lovers have been championing the character to get her own starring role in the MCU for a long time now.

And it looks like their wishes might have just been granted, as Marvel Studios’ CEO Kevin Feige opened up about bringing the Muslim superhero into the franchise.

During an interview with the BBC, he revealed that the teen icon, Kamala Khan, is ‘definitely, sort of, in the works.’
Umm, what comic lovers, exactly? Only the most mindless leftists and apologists for the Religion of Peace. The book long ceased to sell whatever amount it did above 20,000 copies. Now, it sells little more than a more dismal 13,000. But it doesn't really surprise me that characters whose components are as PC and SJW-pandering as the Khan character's are could be shoved down the audience's throats so badly.
He said: ‘Captain Marvel’s shooting right now with Brie Larson. Ms. Marvel, which is another character in the comic books, the Muslim hero who is inspired by Captain Marvel, is definitely sort of in the works.

‘We have plans for that once we introduce Captain Marvel.’
But who knows how well the Captain Marvel movie will do? If anything, it'll only muddle Carol Danvers' history even more. If you look at her publication history under a magnifying glass, you'll notice it's not like she ever had a truly successful or sustained run as a solo series act. The original series only ran 3 years (1977-79), and she wound up quitting the Avengers after getting angry at them for not defending her against Immortus in the questionable Oedipus Rex-like story from issue #200. She'd maintained a relationship with the X-Men before acquiring new powers and taking up the name Binary, at which point she later joined the Starjammers for a time before eventually returning to the Ms. Marvel identity. However, during Kurt Busiek's run on Avengers, she took the name Warbird. It was during the late 2000s she returned to the Ms. Marvel role, but that series was sabotaged by crossover tie-ins like Civil War, which only served to undermine what personality could be ascribed to her. And then, by 2014, writers like Kelly Sue DeConnick really began to denigrate Carol by gradually turning her masculine and her costumes modest. The artwork of recent is particularly ugly.

With that kind of erratic history, how can moviegoers really care for Danvers as a comics character? And if the new movie draws from the worst PC-laden storylines of recent, how does that make a good movie? The news that producers like Feige are also going to adapt a character like Kamala Khan whose very structure was meant for politicized, SJW-catering purposes is not going to make things any better. At least it tells us the Marvel moviemakers are just as bad as the Quesada/Alonso/Brevoort bunch, who until now only wrote screenplays appealing to a more commercial vision out of a "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" mentality. The character's already appeared in an animated series they've produced, another clue how they're going to such lengths to force their PC visions down everyone's throats. As noted in this BBC article:
No firm plans have been announced yet - least of all casting - but there's speculation that Priyanka Chopra could be a shoo-in for the role.

The actress already voices the character in the mobile video game Marvel: Avengers Academy
Well there's one video game nobody needs to waste money on. If such obvious politics are going to accompany the character in any medium, then that's why Khan remains one of the worst-developed Marvel's produced of recent. They could at least move her to a role of her own, and give Carol back the role she really was meant to have - Ms. Marvel. That said, it's a terrible shame Carol was never handled as well as she could've been, or given a chance to really shine and be built up when it mattered.

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Khan's too boring to be in a superhero movie, now this guy packs more action in a single panel than Khan does in two TPBs:


The execs of most media companies and their employees have this idea in their head that the vast majority of potential customers in the future will be female or
L(no gays because they are part of the Patriarchy apparently)BT

I hope they have some data on their side and they're not pushing this because they were indoctrinated to put women above men in their gender studies classes at school.

There is a big female audience for manga and adventure stories like Buffy or The Hunger Games or Wonder Woman, with strong female characters, and media execs would be idiots if they ignored the potential of that audience. They want to attract them to the superheroes. On the other hand, one of the reasons Disney bought Marvel was to get properties that would attract a male audience. And there does still seem to be a substantial male audience for Avengeres Infinity War and the Black Panther movie.

Up until some point in the sixties, girls read a lot of comics and there were a lot of comics aimed at them. That changed as the comic book shops came to the fore and superheroes took over the medium, and story lost out to action. The Wonder Woman movie left execs scrambling to find heroines they could make movies about after years of saying that women did not sell.

"There is a big female audience for manga and adventure stories like Buffy or The Hunger Games or Wonder Woman, This "big, female audience" is really affluent white women. Nobody's ignored them...the success of Xena: Warrior Princess in the 1990s is a testament to that. It's just that success in adventure films with female leads is difficult to reproduce. Wonder Women did well, while the more realistic and politically correct version of Tomb Raider didn't. No one really knows why. Hollywood execs can't even figure out why action movies with male leads fail. They don't know and don't spend too much time digging deeply to find out why. They just follow trends on a superficial level.

The issue I think with women is that they are perceived as not being a dedicated audience. Women did not grow up with action franchises and rallied behind them as adults until recently. Hollywood wants franchises--and the successful franchises marketed to women, don't feature women doing athletic and traditionally masculine things.

"Up until some point in the sixties, girls read a lot of comics and there were a lot of comics aimed at them"
Girls read romance comics, grew out of them and the romance genre would have to find new creators and attract a new audience every couple of years.* Superheroes may have starved romance comics of talent, but I think declining circulation was a major culprit in the decline of genres other than superheroes. Circulation for comics started to decline in the late 60s. The comics industry reacted by putting a lot of its eggs in one basket as the audience for comics shrank.

"Superheroes took over the medium, and story lost out to action"
That is 100% b.s.
The British Invasion, the rise of alternative comics says different. Nice try at portraying the entire American comic industry as a 1990s Image Comic since the 1960s.
One of the most celebrated writers right now in superhero comics is a writer known for more for talking heads than action. One of the chief complaints about modern superhero comics is that they take themselves way too seriously, it's all talking heads and no action! Superhero comics, as they've been, for the last twenty plus years, would not attract any young boys towards it.

Newspaper comic strips, since the 1960s, ALSO put its eggs in one basket, focusing on humor and getting rid of other genres.

" The Wonder Woman movie left execs scrambling to find heroines they could make movies about after years of saying that women did not sell." Hollywood and the small screen aren't the same thing. What Hollywood execs claimed was that action movies with a female lead didn't sell...and you still haven't proven that they were wrong in the past. Today, in a world where women are taught that they are just as physically capable as man, that may not be true anymore. Part of the marketing for many female led movies is to tie it with feminism and other identity politics. Today, feminists and other social justice advocates have considerable clout in Hollywood and can get female leads on RISKY, BIG-BUDGET films, where Hollywood has played it safe. There are more action movies aimed at women than Wonder Woman that have been released in the last five years. Look closer.

*In the late 1990s, and early 2000s, girls read manga, by the late 2000s. many of them grew out of it and the American industry never replaced all those readers who stopped reading, so the market for manga shrank a bit. From what I see, the female manga readers who remained were social misfits and political activists--sjws. The general trend I see in manga and cartoons (Adventure Time, Stevens Universe, etc) is this focus on adult female misfits, often to the detriment of everyone else.

And there does still seem to be a substantial male audience for Avengeres Infinity War and the Black Panther movie.

What else are they going to watch? Oftentimes, superhero movies are the only options for people, especially young men, who want to go see a movie. A substantial number of women will watch them as part of the social event of watching movies in a theater.

Popular female action heroes have been a staple of movies for at least three-quarters of a century, from Linda Stirling through Pam Grier to Uma Thurman and beyond. But costumed comic book superheroines never succeeded in movie theatres until Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman. And the movie execs who sneered that superheroines didn’t sell suddenly want women comic book characters.

(I do feel sorry for all the young boys out there who, deprived of any films that cater to their gender, have no choice but to subject themselves to girl power movies like Avengers: Infinity Wars. It must be very painful for them.)

(I do feel sorry for all the young boys out there who, deprived of any films that cater to their gender, have no choice but to subject themselves to girl power movies like Avengers: Infinity Wars. It must be very painful for them.)"

Both genders watch superhero movies in roughly equal numbers, nimrod.

Any attempt to politicize action movies with female leads with feminist politics will alienate males. Given the popularity of identity politics among the Hollywood elite, and the clueless nature of decision-makers, they will ruin a good chunk of these movies in every way possible in order to please feminist separatists.

(I do feel sorry for all the young boys out there who, deprived of any films that cater to their gender, have no choice but to subject themselves to girl power movies like Avengers: Infinity Wars. It must be very painful for them.)"

I think it's time you go troll a liberal blog. Also, work on your reading comprehension skills.

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