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Thursday, July 12, 2018 

Fishy pictures from Doomsday Clock

I found at least 3 panel scans from Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's Doomsday Clock miniseries event that are quite political in nature, and even potentially SJW diversity-catering:
My my, why am I so not liking this? Maybe because of this review of the 1st part on CBR, which says something:
Johns, Frank and colorist Brad Anderson ensure that the first issue evokes the flavor of the original series, but it’s seasoned differently by way of its troubling sociopolitical setting. Having been released in the waning years of the Cold War, Watchmen capitalized largely on the fears of yesterday, extrapolating a diminishing tension rather than an escalating one. Doomsday Clock #1, though, successfully seizes on the current fears held by many — worldwide distrust of the United States, worries over a U.S. President’s itchy trigger finger, and suppression of a free press. The tension felt throughout the issue is disquieting not only because of the rich atmosphere established by the creative team, but because it hits uncomfortably close to a feared real-world scenario.
Coming as it does about a year after Donald Trump assumed office, it would be no shock if this was intended as a metaphorical excuse to launch an attack on him, declaring him a warmonger, and from my perspective, it's disturbing if they're launching a vile metaphorical attack on Mike Pence and insulting Israel at the same time. Leftists can certainly be cunning at injecting all the propaganda they believe in, subtle or otherwise. And then, there's this picture to ponder:
In the third picture, it's implied Rorschach, according to this miniseries, is black, which brings it further to diversity-pandering absurdity. On top of all that, what's really dismaying is how they just have to take a 1987 miniseries whose premise was built on darkness and depression, and make it the basis of a whole event that's reportedly supposed to impact the DCU in its entirety. If that's what they intend, we don't need more of that, and it's regrettable they can't just let go of something that's long gotten old and moldy.

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