Saladin Ahmed's nasty attacks on Spider-fans
— Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) September 16, 2018
arab guy writing spider-man
bigots whine
but oh well
racist crybabies
go to hell
you don't own spider-man
Good grief, just what is this slop he's written? Let's be clear: nobody cares about his racial/national/ethnical background. Artist Michael Netzer's last name was originally Nasser, and he has some Lebanese ancestry, and there were some impressive stints he had for 3 decades before he moved to Israel and did most of his art here more. And if nobody cares about his racial background, then Ahmed shouldn't act like his matters either. It's just the victimology he's resorting to here that does. No way to sell a book.
And to think people like Busiek (who probably helped get him the jobs on Exiles, for example) actually consider this man some kind of genius! Nope. Ahmed's just one of the reasons why the entertainment medium is collapsing today.
Labels: islam and jihad, marvel comics, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, Spider-Man
Everybody who disagrees with a leftist about anything is a racist, blah blah blah.
The comic book medium is dying, and sales are pathetic, for a combination of reasons: high prices, low quality, competition from other media. And the tiresome, constant left-wing extremist propaganda.
But when the new Spider-Man comic sells fewer than six figures, Ahmed and Marvel/Disney will play the race card, and will blame "bigots."
Well, bigots, Trump, and Russian bots.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:41 PM
"Your mother's a racist, your father's a problematic toxic blah blah blah"
Other media is infested sjws who present these explanations for poor critical reception or a lack profit and the MSM laps this up.
Aside from gaming, other media isn't doing so well, financially.
Whatever is doing well is selling a higher priced product to fewer and fewer people.
The bar has been lowered in many cases.
A recording artist in 2018 doesn't need to sell as much music to make it to "the top of the charts". The people who have the money to spend on higher priced products tend to earn a higher income. People with higher income tend to be sjws (people who are so comfortable they have time a lot of time on political activism (online of course)).
Our society is becoming so gentrified that now we have to check in with a trust fund hipster with a master's degree in Sociology to see whether it's problematic or not to scratch our butts.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
6:43 AM
Positive representation in comics is meaningless and worthless if it is not countering a lot of negative images of Muslims in comics, which there aren't any.
The bad Muslims are overwhelmingly, young Muslim men. They are the ones who commit various violent crimes.
The repeated use of Muslim women (Ms. Marvel comes to mind) by those who work in comics and other media to somehow prove that Muslims are harmless, and vulnerable is disingenuous.
In places where Muslims are a majority, Muslims, have resisted assimilation, and seek to replace prevailing cultures with their own. It's hard to argue against the white nationalists that there is a deliberate plan for "White Genocide" when so many of the people speaking out about the fake problem of Islamophobia are people who....despise white people...and Western Civilization.
Unfortunately, for boot lickers like you, Muslims do not believe in diversity or multiculturalism as far as I know. The highly educated ones tend to hold on to their traditional values and beliefs to a great degree, even in developed countries, which is bad news for LGBT appeasers of Muslims, feminist appeasers of Muslims and Jewish intellectuals who think they can sic Muslims on what's left of White, European cultures as some kind of revenge for the Holocaust.
"To be fair to the guy, he is not being antagonistic to the fans; he is being defiant of bigots. There is a difference."
He doesn't have any fans. He has people who support him to virtue signal on the internet but the vast majority of his Twitter fans do not buy comics. Ahmed should not have the privilege of politicizing his identity and his work in order to provide a narrative for why his comics don't sell, especially since no one can point to any comic book readers who are hostile towards him work primarily because of his identity.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:47 PM
"Positive representation in comics is meaningless and worthless if it is not countering a lot of negative images of Muslims in comics, which there aren't any."
Representations of Muslims in comics are there because it is phony and
unrealistic to only read about white people living in an all-white
world, because people are interested in reading stories about Muslims
and about immigrants in general, and because there are Muslim writers
with stories to tell grounded in their own experience. It is not only
about countering evil stereotypes; these are stories, not public
service announcements.
"The bad Muslims are overwhelmingly, young Muslim men. They are the ones who commit various violent crimes.
The repeated use of Muslim women (Ms. Marvel comes to mind) by those who work in comics and other media to somehow prove that Muslims are harmless, and vulnerable is disingenuous."
Well, duh! Statistics show that violent crimes are overwhelmingly
committed by young men. Christian men commit more violent crimes than
Christian women, and so on. The rate of violent crime goes down with age.
Ms Marvel included one young Muslim man
who turned out to be really evil.
"In places where Muslims are a majority, Muslims, have resisted assimilation, and seek to replace prevailing cultures with their own. It's hard to argue against the white nationalists that there is a deliberate plan for "White Genocide" when so many of the people speaking out about the fake problem of Islamophobia are people who....despise white people...and Western Civilization. "
Generally, majorities resist assimilation to minority culture. Who are
these people who despise white people and Western civilization? The
ACLU and the local Brotherhood association? The people speaking out
against anti-Muslim prejudice are doing so because tolerance for
minorities is an important part of Western civilization; it has also
been one of the major engines of economic trade and progress in the West.
"Unfortunately, for boot lickers like you, Muslims do not believe in diversity or multiculturalism as far as I know. The highly educated ones tend to hold on to their traditional values and beliefs to a great degree, even in developed countries, which is bad news for LGBT appeasers of Muslims, feminist appeasers of Muslims and Jewish intellectuals who think they can sic Muslims on what's left of White, European cultures as some kind of revenge for the Holocaust."
Muslim acceptance of diversity has ebbed and flowed over the years and
continents; it has been higher in the past in, say, Morocco,
Indonesia and Lebanon than in Saudi Arabia -- not to mention the
romantic glory of Moorish Spain. Arab countries were a lot more
diverse before 1948; after that bigotry increased and Jewish
minorities in particular were pushed out of the Arab nations. It
depends on the place, and the era.
The rest of this part of the comment is just weird. Nice
to know that intellectuals are so powerful
though. Do you really think that Jewish university professors and
rabbis and Avi Green are busy stoking Muslim terrorism to revenge themselves on
white America and England and I guess Israel for, -- wait for it -- creating the
Holocaust? If so, it has been an awfully self-destructive move. Do Hamas and
the PLO know about this?
"He doesn't have any fans. He has people who support him to virtue signal on the internet but the vast majority of his Twitter fans do not buy comics. Ahmed should not have the privilege of politicizing his identity and his work in order to provide a narrative for why his comics don't sell, especially since no one can point to any comic book readers who are hostile towards him work primarily because of his identity."
The issue wasn't whether he had fans but whether he had contempt for the Spider-Man
fans. He does seem to have at least one person hostile towards his work primarily
because of his identity though.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 8:47 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:22 PM
"Positive representation in comics is meaningless and worthless if it is not countering a lot of negative images of Muslims in comics, which there aren't any."
YOU: " Representations of Muslims in comics are there because it is phony and
unrealistic to only read about white people living in an all-white
world, because people are interested in reading stories about Muslims
and about immigrants in general, and because there are Muslim writers
with stories to tell grounded in their own experience. It is not only
about countering evil stereotypes; these are stories, not public
service announcements."
White characters tend to socialize with other white people with similar life experiences. What is unrealistic is the Progressive assumption the majority of (white) people socialize with people who have very different life experiences than them. The audience for black people who want to see interracial and multicultural black people is small.
If a black writer is writing a comic about a black kid from Chicago, the vast majority of the people the black kid interacts with will be people of the same race, religion and social class.
Same thing for Muslims, Hindus, and whites. No one has a diverse social circle that includes every single type of person.
YOU: "people are interested in reading stories about Muslims
and about immigrants in general, and because there are Muslim writers
with stories to tell grounded in their own experience. "
Social justice activists concerned with appearing diverse and more tolerant than their redneck cousins are interested in reading stories about Muslims . They really don't relate to Muslims. The only thing they could possibly have in common with a Muslim is contempt for Christians and the state of Israel. I've been following the indie comics scene for well over twenty years.The most popular indie comics are about white nerdy liberals with mental issues.
I fail to see how someone interested in comics from a Muslim perpsective be drawn towards something as non-Muslim as superhero comics. This is like expecting Christians to show up at a Buddhist temple and meditate.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:05 PM
"The bad Muslims are overwhelmingly, young Muslim men. They are the ones who commit various violent crimes.
The repeated use of Muslim women (Ms. Marvel comes to mind) by those who work in comics and other media to somehow prove that Muslims are harmless, and vulnerable is disingenuous."
YOU: "Well, duh! Statistics show that violent crimes are overwhelmingly
committed by young men...Ms Marvel included one young Muslim man
who turned out to be really evil."
bUT Why is **positive** Muslim representation overwhelmingly that of Muslim women??
YOU: "Muslim acceptance of diversity has ebbed and flowed over the years and
continents; it has been higher in the past in, say, Morocco,
Indonesia and Lebanon than in Saudi Arabia -- not to mention the
romantic glory of Moorish Spain. Arab countries were a lot more
diverse before 1948; after that bigotry increased and Jewish
minorities in particular were pushed out of the Arab nations. It
depends on the place, and the era.
The rest of this part of the comment is just weird. Nice
to know that intellectuals are so powerful
though. Do you really think that Jewish university professors and
rabbis and Avi Green are busy stoking Muslim terrorism to revenge themselves on
white America and England and I guess Israel for, -- wait for it -- creating the
Holocaust? If so, it has been an awfully self-destructive move. Do Hamas and
the PLO know about this?"
Muslim acceptance of diversity, I mean, modernism, has declined since the Middle Ages. There was brief reversal of this trend within the Pan Arab-ism Communism regimes in the 20th century, but once the USSR failed, Muslims turned their backs on the secular state. I equate a pluralistic secular state with an interest in science because of the correlation.
When Muslim elites became less open to science, they became less tolerant of non-Muslims.
The support of Jewish people was crucial to the civil rights movement in the U.S. Many left wing pundits are secular Jews, some of whom don't even see themselves as white.
Jewish intellectuals are actually very powerful. They were able to get their former tormenters to create a Isreali state for them. The Jewish persecution narrative doesn't work when one takes into account how successful Jews have been historically despite all kinds of persecution.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:04 AM
You: "Who are
these people who despise white people and Western civilization? "
Are you serious?? The whole field of Intersectionality is based on the idea that White Christian men are the root of all human suffering in the world.
Here's a feebie.
Here's a more glaring recent example .
YOU:" The people speaking out
against anti-Muslim prejudice are doing so because tolerance for
minorities is an important part of Western civilization; it has also
been one of the major engines of economic trade and progress in the West."
What sense would it make for the culture of the majority to absorb the culture of a minority group?? It's almost like you are saying minority cultures are superior to majority cultures, which is what many sjws say. Given how anti-science, and intolerant Muslims are, AS A GROUP, how are they going to be part of the major engines of economic growth and Progress in developed countries? This isn't the 1700s, anymore and there is need for workers who bring something more to the table than a strong back. Whether you want to admit or not, EVERYTHING you like about economic growth and progress was created by White, Christian men and some Jews. Some of other groups would like to be given a participation trophy that says they were some of the key architects of modern, western economies, even though that is historically inaccurate.
YOU: " He does seem to have at least one person hostile towards his work primarily
because of his identity though."
I'm sure that person hostile towards his work primarily because of his identity exists as much as the harassment and abuse Chelsea Cain was subjected to, exists. There's no motive for diversity hires who have no talent and audience for their work to create drama out of thin air.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:06 AM
"Jewish intellectuals are actually very powerful. They were able to get their former tormenters to create a Isreali state for them. The Jewish persecution narrative doesn't work when one takes into account how successful Jews have been historically despite all kinds of persecution."
This makes no sense. Ex-Nazis did not create the state of Israel. A majority of countries voted in the UN for a partition plan that would have seen the creation of a Jewish state. The US, whose state department then and since has been very sympathetic to Arab interests, was for it because they didn't want to have to take Jewish refugees into America and saw this as a better solution. The plan was never accepted, though. Instead, the British who had been ruling Palestine just pulled out in 1948, leaving a no-man's land. The lsraelis had to create their own state in that chaos, certainly without the aid of their "former tormentors".
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:23 AM
You: "Who are
these people who despise white people and Western civilization? "
Are you serious?? The whole field of Intersectionality is based on the idea that White Christian men are the root of all human suffering in the world.
Here's a feebie.
Here's a more glaring recent example ."
Intersectionality is the idea that you cannot look at particular heads of discrimination in isolation; black Muslim women have problems that you don't see if you just look at bigotry, or just look at misogyny, or just look at religious hatred, so they should be studied altogether. It has become a "you have to be with us on all issues or you are out of the club" kind of doctrine. But it has nothing to do with white Christian men being the root of all suffering. On the contrary, it means you have to look at racism among feminists, misogyny in minority communities, and so on.
No one is trying to say that white guys have a monopoly on bigotry; but there are a lot of people critical of blind Hatred of Muslims who are doing so because it is a way of upholding the values of western civilization.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:36 AM
'bUT Why is **positive** Muslim representation overwhelmingly that of Muslim women??'
This actually is not true. There is a long history of Muslim heroes in American popular culture, from Rudolph Valentino as the Sheikh in the old silent movie, through Lawrence of Arabia’s freedom fighters, to the Fremen of Dune (not actual Muslims but modeled after the Bedouin of the desert), Aladdin in both the original and the Disney version, Ali Baba and other characters from the Thousand and One Nights, Alif the Unseen in G Willow Wilson’s first novel, dissident Muslim Salman Rushdie and the heroes of his novels, lots of magic genies,…. It is a long list. You can find no end of evil Muslim terrorists, too, but those are other stories.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:45 AM
'I've been following the indie comics scene for well over twenty years.The most popular indie comics are about white nerdy liberals with mental issues. '
Umm... Bone? Finder? The Abominable Charles Christopher? Cerebus (as right wing as they come)? Elfquest? The Desert Peach? Saga? Persepolis? Cyberfrog (exuberant anti-hero blood splatter)? ....
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:58 AM
Some anonymous guy said:
"Whether you want to admit or not, EVERYTHING you like about economic growth and progress was created by White, Christian men and some Jews. Some of other groups would like to be given a participation trophy that says they were some of the key architects of modern, western economies, even though that is historically inaccurate. "
Interesting - so growth was created by all white Christian men, but only by some Jews. That 'some' sounds real grudging.
Actually real economic growth and prosperity, like science, has always relied on international trade and cross cultural communication. The presence of minorities, often multi lingual, facilitates that. The west has way benefited from what it has taken from other cultures. From the Middle East, it obtained the Christian religion, Arab mathematics and the invention of the zero, and the foundations of medical science, among other things. That process was greatly facilitated by Jewish emigrants and exiles, who were best able to translate the Arabic and Hebrew and Aramaic texts into European languages.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:37 PM
Anonymous said:
What sense would it make for the culture of the majority to absorb the culture of a minority group?? It's almost like you are saying minority cultures are superior to majority cultures, which is what many sjws say.
It may not make sense, but that is what usually happens. The Englsh absorbed the culture of the Norman invaders, and now they eat Indian pub food. American mainstream culture absorbed - some would say appropriated - black culture, Jewish culture, bits and pieces of just about every immigrant group. The Roman Empire absorbed and adopted Christianity. Meanwhile, American black culture has absorbed a lot from white Americans, Jewish culture has absorbed lots of Arab, Greek and American culture, and so on. Cultures are promiscuous. They learn from each other. Otherwise, they stagnate.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:51 PM
YOU: "It may not make sense, but that is what usually happens. The Englsh absorbed the culture of the Norman invaders, and now they eat Indian pub food...The Roman Empire absorbed and adopted Christianity. Meanwhile, American black culture has absorbed a lot from white Americans, Jewish culture has absorbed lots of Arab, Greek and American culture, and so on. Cultures are promiscuous. They learn from each other. Otherwise, they stagnate."
Cultures don't "learn" from each other. Cultures compete. One culture comes to dominate the other. Rome's elite converted to Christianity by force. Pagans were persecuted. Only an imbecile could claim that was learning. Perhaps one could say, the Roman gods were falling out of favor towards the end of Rome, while Christianity had a more appealing spiritual message. Depending on circumstances, cultures fall out of favor. I wonder what situation the world is in where you think it would be beneficial for Western culture to starting speaking Arabic and convert to Islam.
The only people clamoring for this "learning" as you call it are people who hate "white culture". These people are not concerned about "white culture" "stagnating" or any fake concern you are repeating--they want to replace the prevailing culture with something else.
YOU: "American mainstream culture absorbed - some would say appropriated - black culture, Jewish culture, bits and pieces of just about every immigrant group. "
American COMMERCE appropriated black culture, food. American mainstream culture absorbed - some would say appropriated - black culture, Jewish culture, bits and pieces of just about every immigrant group because it was something that could be sold as an exotic novelty. Once Indian food and Jazz music were not new or exotic anymore, interest fell and people stopped "absorbing it".
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:42 PM
"Interesting - so growth was created by all white Christian men, but only by some Jews. That 'some' sounds real grudging.
Actually real economic growth and prosperity, like science, has always relied on international trade and cross cultural "
Most of economic growth was human population growth. Many of the innovations that facilitated unprecedented human population growth came from Europeans.
Human population growth is the real catalyst for innovation. Europe had already worn out the use of warfare (competition) to bring population down and it didn't work. So, they set about building sea-ships to find new resources to support its swelling population and they were prepared to take what they needed by force.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:51 PM
'I've been following the indie comics scene for well over twenty years.The most popular indie comics are about white nerdy liberals with mental issues. '
YOU:"Umm... Bone? Finder? The Abominable Charles Christopher? Cerebus (as right wing as they come)? Elfquest? The Desert Peach? Saga? Persepolis? Cyberfrog (exuberant anti-hero blood splatter)? ...."
Please don't try to simulate vocal fry while engaging in a serious discussion. It makes you look more stupid then you already are. Most of the comics you listed disproved my statement. In the indie comics circles, what is popular are narratives that appeal to white nerdy liberals-- with academic backgrounds.
Cerebus and Cyberfrog do not appeal to white nerdy liberals with academic backgrounds today. They would be put in the same category as Robert Crumb's comics, as problematic and 'indicative of hetero-normative white male supremacy' and you that but you added them anyway, out of pure laziness or stupidity.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:04 PM
*Most of the comics you listed did nothing to disprove my statement.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:06 PM
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Posted by
Unknown |
10:27 AM
Actually, one of the cult favorite indie comics was about a white nerdy conservative with mental health issues (the latter Yummy Fur). You kind of snuck from talking about comics about nerds to comics appealing to educated people.
Indie comics are independently published comics - either self-published or where the artists rather than an editor have ultimate direction and control. Cerebus was a pioneer indie, Cyberfrog is an indie, albeit a very mainstream looking one.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:32 AM
YOU: "You kind of snuck from talking about comics about liberal nerds to comics appealing to educated people."
Those things are not separate things anymore.
Educated people tend to be liberal..and tend to be nerdy or pretend to be nerds or geeks. The hipster phenomenon is a testament to this tendency.
Indie means not mainstream, not seeking to appeal to a broad audience.
The most popular indie comics are about white nerdy liberals with mental issues.
How can something that doesn't seek to be popular be popular?
The popularity of indies is gauged by the praise they receive from critics because we all know very few people read these comings with a few exception and that their biggest fans are people in academia and education. What academia praises and doesn't changes depending on what political stances are popular within academia. The rise of social justice activists means that Dave Sim will most likely be erased from comics history and will not be recognized as a pioneer just as they made people think Black Panther was the first superhero movie with a black lead by pretending stuff like Meteor Man and Shaq's superhero movie did not exist.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:15 AM
"You kind of snuck from talking about comics about liberal nerds to comics appealing to educated people."
To be educated is to be liberal...and since many nerds are educated...all nerds must be liberal or else.
Academia has successfully purged itself of anyone who is not a social justice activist...Academia has implemented educational programs designed to make sure everyone is leaving school with VERY LIBERAL political views. All these educated people with VERY LIBERAL political views are entering various spaces nerds occupy in order to kick the non-liberals out.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:39 AM
"The most popular indie comics are about white nerdy liberals with mental issues."
yeah, I remember reading that one when I was a kid --- Spider-Man, wasn't it? I liked the story early on where he went to see a psychiatrist because he thought he was going crazy. Wonder whatever happened to him?
Or are you thinking about the one with the dog and the little round-headed kid?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:23 AM
You know Avi, you should hire these two Anonymous guys, their back-and-forth dialogue would be a big ratings hit for you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:45 PM