DC/Vertigo's Esquivel scandal costs Border Town its artist and colorist
Artist Ramon Villalobos, and colorist Tamra Bonvillain have announced that they will leave DC Vertigo’s wildly popular series Border Town in response to sexual abuse allegations levied against the series’ writer, Eric M. Esquivel.I've looked over several responses to this case on social media, and it wouldn't surprise me if quite a few of those claiming they'd read and enjoyed the book...didn't really read it at all, and just sought an opportunity to virtue-signal. The very flawed liberal standing of "believe all women" certainly played a part here, that's for sure, and now, we see leftists eating their own, and Esquivel learning that being a radical leftist doesn't always grant immunity. I suppose artist and colorist decided to split in order to avoid additional attention given to their own serious mistakes. But, the reality is that, as they themselves made clear, they're no better than the main driver of the train wreck, and their departure only comes across as a lethargic attempt to do some damage control after all the slips they made on their part.
And DC's left-wing social justice agenda has certainly backfired.
Labels: dc comics, misogyny and racism, moonbat artists, moonbat writers, violence
Wierd. It's like when the west was strictly Christian, there was actually more freedom to do or say what you wanted.
Posted by
Mr. Bee |
11:05 AM
"r. Bee said...
Wierd. It's like when the west was strictly Christian, there was actually more freedom to do or say what you wanted. "
Today, I overheard someone wondering out loud why it was possibly offensive to say "Merry Christmas" after saying it to someone she knew. The push to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas began decades ago, when the U.S. was much more white and Christian than it is now. Decades ago, there were only three major holidays in December,celebrated in the U.S. , excluding New Year's Eve. Today, there still remains only three major holidays in December, celebrated in the U.S. , excluding New Year's Eve. The three holidays celebrated in December, in the U.S., are Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is celebrated by a very small percentage of African Americans so it is unlikely that African American civil rights activists have pushed for a more inclusive greeting that acknowledges multiple holidays in December. Kwanzaa, however, has more than a passing resemblance to Hanukkah.
Getting back to my anecdote, the building where I watched that woman wonder out loud about why it was possibly offensive to say "Merry Christmas", had a Hanukkah display in the main lobby despite the fact that Jewish people do not make up a substantial number of people who visit the place. ( I looked it up. Jews are underrepresented in the military). It's a safe bet to say the reason why you cannot say " Merry Christmas" as freely as you wish despite the popularity of Christmas with non-Christians is because of Jewish activists. It makes sense given the history of Christian persecution of Jews that Jews would be the ones primarily offended by the term "Merry Christmas" and would like to de-emphasis Christmas.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
4:18 PM
"And DC's left-wing social justice agenda has certainly backfired."
Can't agree with this one. The agenda has succeeded; basic principles of morality are being applied to people at all ends of the political spectrum, regardless of whether they have common political views or not. Villalobos and Bonvillain are standing up for their beliefs, foregoing paying work and placing their reliability to their publisher on the line, putting their money where their mouth is. They do not adjust their ethical standards according to the political leanings of the person who has done wrong. Those are admirable things.
Don't know if Jews are under-represented in the military, but it is not surprising since white people in general are underrepresented in the American military. The percentage of black men in the military is significantly greater than the percentage of Blacks in the general population, and the percentage of black women military personnel is more than double the percentage of Blacks in the general population. The percentage of Hispanics in the military is about the same as their share of the population as a whole.
The main resemblance between Hannukah and Kwanzaa is that both involve the lighting of candles. Christians used to light candles on Christmas, but have replaced them with electric lights in more recent years. This Jewish antipathy to Christmas is a bit exaggerated; Jews write the best Christmas songs.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:07 PM
Jews are not a monolithic group. There are secular Jews are hostile to white Christian ethnostates--which is why many of them are advocating for a browner, gayer, more Muslim Western countries.
"The Jewish Community Council of Victoria Inc is the peak representative body for Victorian Jewry, representing nearly 60 Jewish community organisations and over 52,000 Victorian Jews. The JCCV's mission is to represent the Victorian Jewish community, the largest Jewish community in Australia, on all matters that affect its status, welfare and interests"
There are many politically active secular Jews who see Jews as a non-white ethnic group despite the fact the vast majority of them have can pass as Caucasian but are willing to define themselves as non-white if it serves them politically.
Jews have long history in Left-win politics.
Many prominent intellectuals on the Left are Jewish.
They are a minority with a lot of influence.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
10:59 PM
" foregoing paying work and placing their reliability to their publisher on the line, putting their money where their mouth is. They do not adjust their ethical standards according to the political leanings of the person who has done wrong. Those are admirable things."
I don't think those creators stepped down by choice. They HAD to. If they didn't step down, sjws, many of their professional contacts and supporters (librarians who order their trade paperbacks) would be asking why they haven't and would apply pressure for them to step down
The publisher would have cancelled the project under pressure from sjws.
The current market for Vertigo comics inprint is entirely composed of sjws, who want to see their views validate as much as possible.
There is a difference between sjws and non-sjws. Sjws believe in guilty until proven innocent because they believe no one would like about sexual abuse, racism, sexism or homophobia. They see no need to go through legal channels and believe in mob justice based on flimsy evidence.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
11:18 PM
" foregoing paying work and placing their reliability to their publisher on the line, putting their money where their mouth is. They do not adjust their ethical standards according to the political leanings of the person who has done wrong. Those are admirable things."
I don't think those creators stepped down by choice. They HAD to. If they didn't step down, sjws, many of their professional contacts and supporters (librarians who order their trade paperbacks) would be asking why they haven't and would apply pressure for them to step down
The publisher would have cancelled the project under pressure from sjws.
The current market for Vertigo comics imprint is entirely composed of sjws, who want to see their views validated as much as possible.
There is a difference between sjws and non-sjws. Sjws believe in guilty until proven innocent because they believe no one would lie about sexual abuse, racism, sexism or homophobia. They see no need to go through legal channels and believe in mob justice based on flimsy evidence.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
11:22 PM
Secular Jews are a source of support for open borders.
and anti-white intersectional rhetoric
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:14 AM
"Secular Jews are a source of support for open borders."
The video link you have provided for this is of a speech by a rabbi! Very few rabbis consider themselves secular Jews.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:14 PM
"Very few rabbis consider themselves secular Jews."
I've heard enough about liberal ribbis and pastors to know that there is such a thing as a secular religious leader. Secular religious leaders don't believe in anything canonical about the religion they claim to follow. They instead espouse secular humanist beliefs under the guise of a mainstream religion.
Sjws will call this modernization, normal people will see this as an act of subversion. Others will see it as another example of deconstruction, reducing something to nothing but an outlet for disseminating political views of activists.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:27 PM
"Jews are not a monolithic group. There are secular Jews are hostile to white Christian ethnostates--which is why many of them are advocating for a browner, gayer, more Muslim Western countries."
No reason why white gays like Milo would not be part of a white Christian ethnostate. But the only people who talk about white Christian ethnostates - neo nazis and white supremacists and alt-white people like Richard spencer and Andy Anglin - definitely do not want Jews to be a part of it.
The problem of course is that white is not an ethnicity. It encompasses a multitude of ethnicities, many of whom have been killing each other for generations. Hitler had no problem with this; he was happy to kill Russians and Poles and especially Jews because they were not aryan. But the modern version of white supremacy is very confused, trying to create an identity without common culture, language, or religion. If all that binds you is fear and hatred of brown people, what kind of identity can you have in a state without them? And of course Christian fellowship is itself incompatible with an ethnostate.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:40 PM
"Jews are not a monolithic group. There are secular Jews are hostile to white Christian ethnostates--which is why many of them are advocating for a browner, gayer, more Muslim Western countries."
No reason why white gays like Milo would not be part of a white Christian ethnostate. But the only people who talk about white Christian ethnostates - neo nazis and white supremacists and alt-white people like Richard spencer and Andy Anglin - definitely do not want Jews to be a part of it.
The problem of course is that white is not an ethnicity. It encompasses a multitude of ethnicities, many of whom have been killing each other for generations. Hitler had no problem with this; he was happy to kill Russians and Poles and especially Jews because they were not aryan. But the modern version of white supremacy is very confused, trying to create an identity without common culture, language, or religion. If all that binds you is fear and hatred of brown people, what kind of identity can you have in a state without them? And of course Christian fellowship is itself incompatible with an ethnostate.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:56 PM
"There are many politically active secular Jews who see Jews as a non-white ethnic group despite the fact the vast majority of them have can pass as Caucasian but are willing to define themselves as non-white if it serves them politically.
The problem is that Americans are obsessed with race and see it only in black and white terms. Americans do not know how to categorize discriminated against minorities who are not black, and so they try to shove them into one category or the other. It is a very shallow way of seeing the world.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:03 PM
Amazing how fast some rats will abandon a sinking ship.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:36 PM
As an Israeli, Avi is in some ways naïve about the dog whistles to bigotry on the American far right. It is like a Nigerian who comes to America and humors those whacked white people who want to touch his hair and area always asking about whether he likes watermelon; if you don't know the context and history of racism, it just seems silly rather than threatening or offensive. Craziness like the posts above will likely make him and his readers more aware of the looniness and perversity of the cranks that he sometimes allies with and has become an apologist for.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:41 AM
...is that the real reason, or is there something going on behind the scenes?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:44 AM
"Secular Jews are a source of support for open borders.
"I've heard enough about liberal ribbis and pastors to know that there is such a thing as a secular religious leader. Secular religious leaders don't believe in anything canonical about the religion they claim to follow. They instead espouse secular humanist beliefs under the guise of a mainstream religion."
If you actually listen to the youtube speech excerpt, it is speaking about a position held by 1200 rabbis and many other groups across the religious spectrum from liberal to orthodox. You will also hear that it is not a call for open borders, despite the label that has been put on it; it is a call for decent treatment of refugees. Open borders is about letting anyone who wants to come across, like American borders a hundred years ago; better treatment of refugees means proper enforcement of the law as it exists.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:57 AM
". Open borders is about letting anyone who wants to come across, " No shit, Sherlock. Of course, it'about letting as many poor people from poor countries come into America and take as many jobs and social service resources away from the domestic population as possible as compensation for past injustices.
"better treatment of refugees means proper enforcement of the law as it exists."
Refugees are not treated badly. They are detained and sent home if they do not get political asylum. What Progressives want is to turn refugees into future voters, to make America "less white". Progressives despise the law. They want the laws remove so anyone who wants to come across, can, and be treated like they are citizens. That is what progressives mean by "better treatment of refugees". They want to replace whites with colored people who will reliably vote for progressive proposals by advocating for no border patrol.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
2:28 PM
Intersectionalist pos writes “. But the only people who talk about white Christian ethnostates - neo nazis and white supremacists and alt-white people like Richard spencer and Andy Anglin - definitely do not want Jews to be a part of it.
….If all that binds you is fear and hatred of brown people, what kind of identity can you have in a state without them? And of course Christian fellowship is itself incompatible with "
The Deep South in America and various European countries already HAVE distinct cultures that unite the white people there.
It’s not just skin color and it’s not just religion, it’s family history and cultural history, of which religion is a part.
White nationalists don't need to build a white ethnostate , the elements of one are already there. All they have to do is remove people who don’t fit in.
Since the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, “minorities”, routinely COMPLAIN about not fitting in, i.e. being the only colored person, woman, or etc minority in a room even when they AREN’T being treated badly. It’s becoming abundantly clear that most people do not want to be minorities in societies that they exist in. As we see with the “non-binary” movement, neither do some gays. If everyone can be encouraged to be genderfluid, gay people stand out less and fit in more.
Calls from minorities for more representation are nothing more but demands that they be surrounded by people who are more like themselves. If a minority were expelled from the multicultural society where they feel lonely and forced into a "safe space" where everyone is like them, would that be THAT bad? African Americans were less socially dysfunctional before desegregation.
Since the Civil Rights era, African Americans have had less and less of a unifying culture.
The Black church is declining in importance for some reason . All that seems to keeps blks together in large numbers is fear and hatred of white people. This a reflection of how the cosmopolitan values you cherish, tends to cause a great deal of social alienation—because a stated goal of Modernism is to destroy the past, destroy tradition. There is no better example of a people who have been deprived of their past, traditions, and culture than African Americans in America. What happened to them, progressives want to do to white people.
and eventually everyone else.
Progressives want to reduce everyone to anxious, Undifferentiated Human Matter who define themselves primary by race and claims to oppression and dependent on social welfare.
Culture is the enemy. Once they "erase" whiteness, banish whiteness, they will move on to erase other cultures…because all cultures are problematic. If gender is problematic, if private property is problematic, if nations are problematic, except for Isreal, why won’t cultures be targeted next? Progressives have spent sixty years deconstructing “freedom of association” reducing it to nothing but another form of oppression to keep out marginalized people. Once they "erase" whiteness, they will move on to a new target.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:35 PM
"The problem is that Americans are obsessed with race and see it only in black and white terms. Americans do not know how to categorize discriminated against minorities who are not black, and so they try to shove them into one category or the other. It is a very shallow way of seeing the world."
Part of the reason why "we" ( are obsessed with race is because Progressives think all racial differences are due to white people being racist and use the educational system to fill the minds of impressionable people o with nothing but resentment for whites. A black kid drops out of school and falls into crimminal activity. If a white cop merely arrests him, it's racial oppression, because apparently, the kid HAS NO CHOICE but to choose a life of crime because of so much racism.
" It is like a Nigerian who comes to America and humors those whacked white people who want to touch his hair and area always asking about whether he likes watermelon; if you don't know the context and history of racism" That FICTIONAL situation could only exist in the Deep South where whites don't have any guilt about slavery if it exists at all and only very old people are going to "get" the joke. The very old people were likely to grow up in an America where images of blacks eating watermelon in the South were common. When people think of black people,today, they don't immediately think of watermelon but it is an example of Progressives trying to create racial tension to justify their worthless existences .
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
2:56 PM
Avi's not a real Israeli, he only became one after his family moved to Israel after about nine years of living as an American, though why his family would want to move to a country that is more or less near a warzone is beyond me.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:17 PM
- [ ] So the idea is not to create a single state for the white right, but a few states for various white ethnic groups. Cyber tooth mike still talks at one point about whiteness as if it is a culture in itself, but the thrust of his argument is that whites have a lot of little local cultures. In the States, these ethnostates would mean the breakup and the Balkanization of the country. And, whether creating one or many states, it would also mean the forced exile of maybe a hundred million people - I guess to Madagascar - including people whose families have been in their neighborhoods for hundreds of years. Most white people would not want to live in a state like that, so a lot of them would leave too.
This is a proposal to erase culture, not preserve it.
The americans who support ethnostates are marginalized on the fringe of modern culture - incels, underemployed, without a college education. The only claim to status they have is that they are white, so they are not at the very bottom of the ladder. In an actual ethnostate they really would move by default to the very bottom. Would any be ready for that? And without the state revenue from illegal immigrant workers who pay into the system through taxes but take nothing from it in benefits, without the federal tax revenues from states like California and New York that are the engines of the American economy and that would presumably stay multicultural, how would the little white ethnic enclave states survive?
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:12 PM
anonymous said:
"Progressives want to reduce everyone to anxious, Undifferentiated Human Matter who define themselves primary by race and claims to oppression and dependent on social welfare."
That is actually a perceptive description of Germany in the 1930s.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:59 AM
That's a lie. The taxpayer subsidizes low wage workers with more social services. Illegal immigrants are low wage workers.
The elites benefit the most from illegal immigrants and they are most fiercest defenders of illegal immigration .
White trash and hood rats do not benefit from illegal immigration directly. They are excused from HAVING to do the job that illegal immigrants were doing. It is the higher revenue the goverments get from businesses that pay lower wages that make trickle towards more money from welfare, that amazing institution that we need more of.
Given the exploding debt levels of governments of developed countries that accept immigrants illegally and legally, I'd say illegal immigration has zero impact on social services because the wages of illegal immigrants are too low, even if they were taxed instead of being sent back to their home countries.
" The only claim to status they have is that they are white, so they are not at the very bottom of the ladder. "
They are at the bottom. The appeal of ethnostates is that white trash would be looked down on based on their class but not because of their culture or race. There is and has been very little strife between "white trash" and the local elites in the South. I never understood why many poor whites didn't blame the local Southern elites and blacks for their low wages . My theory is that low wages aren't a problem for poor people who are surrounded by people who aren't very different to them, who are hostile to them and disrespect them.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:30 PM
*who aren't hostile to them and disrespect them.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:31 PM