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Tuesday, August 10, 2021 

3rd Robin changed to bisexual

As if you needed more proof where DC was going with their social justice pandering, ComicBook's got a fawning announcement what DC's done to Tim Drake, the 3rd character to take up the Teen Wonder costume for Batman's sidekick:
Tim Drake, one of the DC characters to go by the name Robin, is bisexual. Tim came to this realization in today's Batman: Urban Legends #6, the latest installment of DC Comics' ongoing Batman Family anthology series (SPOILERS follow). Robin stars in the story "Sum of Our Parts," by writer Meghan Fitzmartin, artist Belén Ortega, colorist Alejandro Sánchez, and letterer Pat Brosseau. The story concludes with today's third chapter as Robin rescues Bernard from being sacrificed by the Chaos Monsters. Fighting side-by-side with Bernard, Tim has a "lightbulb moment." Later, in his civilian persona, Tim agrees to go on a date with Bernard.
IIRC, isn't Marv Wolfman his creator? One can only wonder what he thinks of this, or if he's got what it takes to admit this crude retcon, using "realization" as a substitute, is contrary to what he and Chuck Dixon established?

To make matters worse, the news site is even posting Twitter posts from SJWs gushing over this retcon as an excuse for justifying where they're going with it. It's hugely disappointing, but, as per the previous post, confirms DC is as agenda bound as they were even just 5 years ago. And Newsarama confirms it gets worse:
While working the case obsessively, Tim's inner monologue has also depicted a young man of self-doubt, who's trying to figure out his place in the world and explain recent actions that don't even make sense to him, like breaking up with his long-time love interest Stephanie Brown, the former Spoiler who now goes by Batgirl. [...]

Tim Drake's sexuality has been a topic for debate for years, especially after a scene in 2003's Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #2 where he and Conner/Kon-El (Superboy) share a moment in a supply closet. While not immediately sexual, some readers read that as a hint to something more.

In 2018, Winick seemingly confirmed that subtextual reading in a response to a fan about the scene, tweeting "I saw this as an opportunity for them to both come out of the closet. #liveyourbestlife"
Wow, they think the miniseries where Donna Troy was put to death by a robot-Superman serves as valid justification for this? A story penned by an early example of SJWs, Judd Winick, who shoved similar ideas into Green Lantern? What a disgrace. As is Gamespot's announcement:
The latest issue of Batman: Urban Legends includes a pretty major development for the DC Comics universe. In it, Tim Drake--one of the young wards Bruce Wayne has enlisted as Robin over the years--came out as bisexual. This comes less than two months after Disney+'s Loki series confirmed the titular character was both genderfluid and bisexual.
It makes no difference how cliched it's become, they'll always say it's "major". If Tim were written as having relatives of Macedonian descent, they wouldn't care. All they care about is deteriorating all the wholesomeness, and so far, it looks like that includes the breakup with Stephanie Brown. Which might have something to do with Dixon being her creator. This is another reason to boycott DC, who'll likely never abandon this retcon to an established character who's been around for at least 32 years.

Update: as noted by Breitbart:
Robin coming out as bisexual follows an ongoing trend in the comic book world where iconic characters have been rewritten to push LGBTQ representation.
Just like in the animation world today, the agenda's also been common in the comics world, and maybe more. It's surely been going on for a long time.

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Great... looks like they're making the same mistake with Tim Drake that they made with Dick Grayson in The Dark Knight Strikes Again (as that comic, aside from having Dick Grayson becoming a Joker wannabe thanks to Lex Luthor and Braniac, also strongly implied that Dick was gay, especially from Batman's own comments). Though at least they corrected course with Dick, while it's unlikely Tim is going to be restored to full heterosexuality any time soon.

Heck, forget comics and animation, the gay agenda's being shoved into live action stuff. Just ask Alex Danvers, Claire Bennet, Willow, and the like.

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