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Tuesday, January 23, 2024 

New "adult" cartoon called Hazbin Hotel contains gang rape scene

The Daily Wire reports there's a new cartoon on Amazon Prime titled Hazbin Hotel, supposedly aimed at adults, which emphasizes a rape scene in at least one of its episodes:
A new cartoon from Amazon Prime called “Hazbin Hotel” contains an episode that shows a character being “gang raped” and other characters wearing BDSM attire.

Started as a pilot on YouTube in 2019, the new rated 18+ animated musical series launched on Friday on the streaming site. Following the pilot’s massive success, Independent studio A24 produced an 8-part series, four episodes of which hit the streaming site on Friday, Newsbusters.org reported.

The series is set in hell, with Heaven described as heartless and cruel. Satan is not evil but is just a “rebellious dreamer” but “troublemaker” who’s been “cast out of” Heaven because he just wanted “to give human beings free will,” the outlet noted.

[...] The LGBTQ series features Charlie and her girlfriend named “vaggie” along with other characters like gay porn stars, a sadistic maid, and more. The show is laced with NSFW cuss words like “c**t,” “f**k,” Newsbusters noted.

In the fourth episode, titled “Masquerade,” porn star Angel Dust’s BDSM relationship is front and center along with a musical number titled “Poison,” Newsbusters noted. In the show, Angel looks up in fear as he is about to be “gang raped” by multiple creatures and is also shown going down a stripper pole, being “chained and choked.”

While the show is rated for adults, the merchandise from the show is geared towards teens and a younger audience, like “South Park,” a show which inspired the series creator Vivienne Medrano.

“I’ve always been really, really influenced by adult comedy,” Medrano told Gizmodo. I saw ‘South Park’ at very young age and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, swearing is so fun.’ It really just changed the entire trajectory of my career.”
Anybody who's going to brag and gush so atrociously - and sell merchandise through a double-standard - has only proven what's gone wrong with Hollywood. What's described from the episode wouldn't be acceptable in Japanese anime either, and it goes without saying sexual violence is not comedic material.

In the past decade, there's been quite a few cartoons featuring content unsuitable for children. Now there's content unsuitable for adults, regardless of the adult rating stamped upon it. Hollywood hasn't a clue how to script any more than they do to market.

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