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Thursday, December 18, 2008 

Superman's significance reduced by Kandorian entry to Metropolis

The Colorado Springs Gazette, in writing recently about Batman and Superman's going missing soon, provided a clue why the Man of Steel will be leaving Earth:
Big changes are also coming in 2009 to another of DC's big guns, Superman.

Superman will be leaving Earth for space. DiDio, again, isn't saying why, but says it ties into a story line that has recently unfolded in the Superman family of books that has seen the sudden appearance of 100,000 Kryptonians on Earth who had been living in the bottle city of Kandor.
In other words, Kal-El's significance in being the only Kryptonian son on Earth (and Supergirl, the only Kryptonian daughter) will be reduced drastically by uncorking the bottle and filling up Metropolis and the rest of Earth with more descendants of Krypton. That's the mistake they're making here, and I don't think sending the Man of Tomorrow off into space improves upon that. Mainly because, if there's that many Kryptonians/Kandorians around, surely some of them could also go in search of new galaxies to defend? Their whole presence on Earth practically reduces the significance of many other heroes less powerful than themselves too.

Earlier, the same paper said the following:
Superman will no longer be the last son of Krypton. But don't expect him to become another face in the crowd. The whole purpose of the story, Johns says, is to explore Superman as a character.

"If anything, it's going to make him more distinctive. He's Superman, and it's not because he can fly, it's not just because he's from Krypton."
The problem is that they're exploring Superman not on Earth, but in space, and in a development that doesn't even sound done in the best of interests for the Man of Steel. And how is it distinctive when you fill the earth with more of his kind, when what makes him distinctive and unique is that he's the last man of his race living among a population that doesn't have powers like his?

Another one of DC's unwise steps in motion.

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