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Saturday, February 07, 2009 

Horrifying: Bill Ayers memoir to become graphic novel

It's bad enough that Bill Ayers, the onetime head of the Weather Underground, who participated in some of the most repulsive terror plots in the US at least 4 decades ago, had to write up a vanity memoir about himself several years ago (which came out, chillingly enough, on the week 9-11 took place). Now, Teachers College Press is going to turn his memoir into a graphic novel:
Teachers College Press, a scholarly, professional and trade publisher focused on the theory and practice of teacher education, has reached agreement on a two-book deal with William Ayers, the University of Illinois at Chicago professor, lauded educational theorist and former leader of the radical 1960s Weather Underground. And, yes, Ayers is indeed the same figure dragooned into the 2008 presidential race in a controversial attempt to use his background in radical politics and a minor acquaintance with Barack Obama to undermine Obama’s presidential run.

In spring 2010, TCP will publish a graphic novel adaptation of To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher, a much-praised memoir of Ayers’s life as a teacher, tentatively to be called To Teach: The Graphic Memoir with art by Xeric Award-winner Ryan Alexander-Tanner. More than a simple memoir, To Teach is also a peer-reviewed work of scholarship on Ayers’s teaching precepts as well as a vivid recollection of his adventures in the classroom.
If there's anything else disgusting about Ayers, it's that he managed to get a job in education. But who exactly is it that praised his book? Only the most demented and corrupt of the MSM, to be sure.

This production TCP is going to do puts a giant stain on graphic novels as a whole and gives them a bad name.

Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Ace of Spades HQ, Suitably Flip, Northern Thoughts and Reflections.

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