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Thursday, October 15, 2009 

Marvel lays Siege to itself with the latest so-called event

In the latest followup to Dark Reign, Norman Osborn plots to attack Asgard:
In the upcoming Marvel miniseries Siege, writer Brian Bendis is writing what he calls the “final act” of the Dark Reign era of the Marvel U as Norman Osborn sets his sights on Asgard and its conquest. Spurred by the events of Dark Reign: The List, Osborn is going after Thor’s homeland with all his combined forces behind him.
Yep, they really have gotten that silly, and as far from the original take on the Green Goblin as is possible to get. And if that weren't enough, there's the following to ponder:
Nrama: You're talking about the Nine Worlds, the realm of which Asgard existed in up until Asgard's move to Oklahoma in Thor #1.

Bendis: Right. Asgard shouldn't be on Earth – or Midgard, as Asgardians call it.

From Norman Osborn's point-of-view now as head of H.A.M.M.E.R., it's a massive threat. Consider the situation – all of the sudden another country is laying on top of the United States. That can't be seen as a good thing by anybody on the outside, but more a hostile move. Norman's thoughts are that this is a legitimate threat and could easily be seen that way by others. Loki also agrees this is wrong, and not the way Asgard should be.

But for the heroes, it is what it is. There isn't a person in the Marvel U that Thor hasn't chipped in to help out once, so they're on his side.
Naturally, one has to wonder if there's any political themes seeping in here, just like with Superman's New Krypton arc, and Asgard is being exploited as another allusion to Iraq/Iran, which, again, is ludicrous and insulting. But this is what their would-be events have been coming down to, as they let their political biases get the better of them, and drive away more readers with both that and the rising costs of buying these limp, overhyped stories.

On top of all that, there is a siege taking place alright, and it's the very stifling so-called events like this current one, to say nothing of the editors and their pet writers who are imposing it.

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