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Saturday, April 03, 2010 

Why would anyone care for Marvelman's return under the current management?

The Cleveland Plain Dealer writes about the planned return of Marvelman, a variation on Capt. Marvel/Shazam who appeared in the 1950s:
Marvel Comics heralds the return of Marvelman/Miracleman from obscurity with a tribute book in June drawn by numerous artists, including Marvel's editor-in-chief, Joe Quesada.

It's a miracle.
With Quesada as one of the contributors? Are they kidding? I think it's garunteed by now that nobody will be particularly enthusiastic about seeing his artwork.
There's no word on when Marvel will republish the amazing (and impossible to find) 1980s Miracleman series (1985-93) by Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman that have been out of print for more than a decade. Trade paperbacks of the groundbreaking Eclipse Comics' 24-issue series sell for more than $100 each, if you can find them.

Marvel will make a fortune once it releases the trades, so what is it waiting for?

There's also no word when Marvel will relaunch Miracleman himself -- something decades of fans have clamored for -- but it has been held up by years of legal wrangling. Part of that wrangling involved Eclipse renaming Marvelman "Miracleman" when it debuted in the United States in 1985 after Marvel claimed the name infringed upon their company's name.
Do they mean as an ongoing series? In this era, I'm not sure it'd be assured a long shelf life, and with the way Quesada and company have run the House of Ideas into the ground, I'm not sure there's many left now who'll be eager to see a relaunch. On the other hand, maybe Moore and Gaiman should sue to take control of the older material and have it published elsewhere, which would probably be for the best.

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