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Tuesday, March 22, 2011 

Marvel Comics insults 9-11 Families and their supporters

Just when you thought they couldn't stoop any lower, Marvel has published a story in their current X-Factor volume (issue #217) that's like an allusion to the Ground Zero mosque case. This rabid leftist site called Death and Taxes has come out in favor of this disturbing story featuring an anti-Muslim protest that depicts it pretty unflatteringly:
“America for Americans,” shouts one of the all white crowd, while another declares, “We don’t need more Muslim terrorists getting in here!” Yet another concurs, “They’re as bad as mutants!”
Wow. Did it ever occur to them how the Koran might look upon mutants, if they existed in real life? The Religion of Peace certainly considers non-Muslims inferior, and also women, as indicated in Sura 2:228, and any mutant who didn't practice Islam would be decreed as such too. On top of all that, they even resort to what's become a staple of how the leftist MSM depicts the Tea Party movements, for example: that they're allegedly all white, and no blacks, Latinos or Asians could possibly support them. They also don't care about how Islamic slave trade in Sudan has victimized many blacks.

The book in question also contains this peculiar panel:
It’s here that buxom hero Monet flies in with a special announcement, “I’m a Muslim and a mutant!” Girl knows how to make an entrance.
But the writer of this piece does not. What's absurd here is how it depicts a girl with cleavage, something forbidden in the most extreme Islamic regimes like Saudi Arabia, identifying herself as a Muslim (she's said to be of Algerian background not unlike Batman Inc's Nightrunner), shades of corrupt NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg's own knee-jerk blather. Though there are some Muslim women who don't dress in burqas/niqabs, there's still plenty of Muslim males, even in the west, who're willing to force women to wear those oppresive garments, and in many Islamic regimes, the more oppressive it is to the point where the death sentence can be given to those who don't wear them, and the Koran condones it. Thus, the irony is that not every Muslim male around the world, not even in the west, is going to be impressed with that scene in X-Factor 217. They could've made this a scene depicting a gay/lesbian identifying with the ummah, and given that many Muslims are violently hostile to gays and lesbians, you can be sure not every Muslim would be impressed with a scene like that either. Also, to use a phrase columnist Mark Steyn may have coined, there may be moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam, and the extremists far outnumber any moderates.

The book also contains the following:
Shouts one protester, “All mutants want to take over the world,” as a cohort concludes, “And Muslims, too. It’s right in your sacred texts. You guys are at war with Christianity. And your mosques are really secret terrorist training camps.”
Yes it does, and another example of this is Sura 8:12 in the Koran, which says, "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: you smite them above their necks and smite all their fingertips off of them." (via FaithFreedom) But this story, unfortunately, is unlikely to contain any such verses providing an understanding of that, and it appears to be structured so as to make the protestors look like the baddies. And they're clearly unconcerned about how the people involved in the mosque project have shady backgrounds and hire equally shady cohorts.

That aside, Marvel has really gone beyond the pale this time. It's bad enough if they took blame-America standings with Captain America in past years. Now they're even going so far as to desecrate the victims of 9-11 and offend those closest to them by implying it is democratic Americans opposed to violent ideologies, shariah, and also a building project that desecrates the memory of their loved ones who are the problem, not the jihadists themselves, and they refuse to distinguish between religion and race. Their current product is an offense to a lot of people I respect like Debra Burlingame and 9-11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Brigitte Gabriel and Steve Emerson.

And who wrote the X-Factor story here? Peter David, I'm afraid. The man who once wrote a story in the same named series back in the early 90s where they and the Hulk took down a Saddam Hussein-ish dictator now does 360, and explains why I don't think I'll want to read his writings anymore. Once, I thought he was smart enough to avoid this kind of propaganda, and he did once signal he respects Israel. Guess I was wrong. Now, he's plumbing new depths and suggesting he condones imposing sharia on America.

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Wow I'm going to get in trouble for this but Wow.

You know I've been thinking when you always demoralize and degrade people as the left sometimes does all while being completely hypocrite hear about NPR is it any wonder why they join groups such as the tea party?

When you do things such as Cry For Justice and call it a tribute to our troops and their families is it any wonder why people get mad
and if they do get mad they are automatically ignorant or racist
or when they show a little reluctance towards a subject rather then inform they are just called idiots.
I don't know I'm going to stop now before I get in trouble.

Just awesome!

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plumber sydney

Speaking of that Hulk run, I wonder why they never followed up on Issue #387's plot?

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