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Friday, April 15, 2011 

Unfunny joke in Superman #709

The Denver Westword wrote about the no-longer-a-big-deal Grounded storyline by J. Michael Stracynski, which is still going on interminably, now detailing Superman's visit to Boulder, Colorado, where the Flash is suffering from the dreadful influence of a Kryptonian gemstone and draws the Man of Steel's attention by dressing the public in planetary outfits. And during the story, this comes up:
Superman ultimately manages to catch up to the Flash (because the Flash let him, the lightning-bolted one later insists), removes the headband, and restores Boulder, even removing the Kryptonian outfits that wound up on locals. "I'm glad that Flash put these costumes on over these people's clothes," Superman says to himself. "I'd hate to see the headlines if he hadn't. 'Superman and Flash Strip Town Naked!'"
Really, that line occurs during the issue? Well if it's supposed to be funny, it just falls flat, like practically anything else Straczynski's ever written that tries to be comedic.

Some of these papers try to make it sound like it's a big deal the Man of Steel came to visit certain hometowns, but, as sales estimates should tell, nobody cares, and if JMS is still writing this, it's no wonder.

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I'd say that JMS shouldn't quit his day job, but I think there are many of us who wish he would quit his day job.
What gets me is that the comment (I won't honor it by calling is a joke) is not in bad taste or offensive, it's just stupid and yes, not funny.
Geez, and to think I was once a fan of Babble-on (sic) 5...

Don't worry, Thnunumber, I still like you, as I have friends who, too, liked Babylon 5. Heh.

Geez, this makes my recent "Kneel Before Zod" reference look rather dignified. Hah.

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Great thoughts, this is one of the best ideas I've ever heard. I will look forward on reading some more of your post.

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