The Blaze reports DC may be reconsidering the story of Superman giving up US citizenship
I just noticed it several minutes ago, but according to The Blaze, DC may be reconsidering their stupid mistake, and they note how:
As they tell here, sources at DC have told the company is now rethinking its plans. Let's hope so. The best way, I think, is to just quietly drop the story and not mention it again.
Maybe this could even be the beginning of DC starting to reverse their position on a lot of other grave mistakes they've been making since 2004, and even earlier.
That story sparked reactions, both positive and negative, all across America. It is fair to say that the overwhelming sentiment was against Superman losing his faith in America.And they provide the following statement by Dave Dorman, who said:
“I find it very hard to believe that DC Comics has chosen to take Superman–the first and greatest of America’s super heroes and a cultural icon for many generations–and molded him into a piece of political propaganda for this current climate of socialism and world unity. For generations, Superman has stood as a role model for both children and adults, giving them pride in America with his values of ‘Truth, Justice and the American Way.’ Unfortunately, DC Comics has chosen to corrupt that role model, bending it to America‘s current path of failure with 'Mistruth, Social Justice and a One World Order.' In this day when Barack Obama calls the United States ’unexceptional,‘ it saddens me that DC Comics and their Superman creative team couldn’t have restored this true American role model and given kids in America the faith that our great country truly is still exceptional. With one comic, they’ve castrated Superman and hastily thrown away more than 80 years of his patriotic legacy.”Vinnie Penn, who did some of the artwork for one of his books and worked with Glenn Beck (who owns the Blaze domain) also chimed in:
‘I knew we were in trouble with the last Superman movie, when they removed the ‘American way’ part from Jor-El‘s ’Truth, Justice, and…’ bit. The American way was deemed a scary concept apparently by a studio exec, no doubt the same one who OK‘d the upcoming 'Captain America' film to be relased as 'The First Avenger' overseas, so as not to scare off overseas movie fans. Who, someone seems to think, do not like the word ‘America.’ According to the suit-and-tie guys in the entertainment biz anyway.’He just made one typo: Jor-El is the late father; Kal-El is Superman's Kryptonian name.
As they tell here, sources at DC have told the company is now rethinking its plans. Let's hope so. The best way, I think, is to just quietly drop the story and not mention it again.
Maybe this could even be the beginning of DC starting to reverse their position on a lot of other grave mistakes they've been making since 2004, and even earlier.
On the plus side, who thinks Dave Dorman is awesome, now?
Posted by
Killer Moth |
8:29 PM
Because I certainly do. Silly comments, and how I wish I could re-edit. Bah.
Of course, DC had to be shamed into doing it, but what can you do? At least, it proves that DC or Marvel shouldn't underestimate the power of good, honest blowback.
Posted by
Killer Moth |
8:31 PM
Maybe DC will do something really (cough!) original and do their version of "Brand New Day" for the Superguy.
Posted by
Thnunumber6 |
2:38 PM