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Saturday, June 04, 2011 

Tom Brevoort seems to like DC's reboot plans

And on his Formspring account, in response to the following reader comment:
DC Comics just made it 100% certain I'll never pick up another book anytime soon. I hope I never have to see such a desperate move from Marvel. Rebooting/Revamping the DC line since the first crisis has only led to terrible things. Make mine Marvel!
Brevoort said:
I'm happy you feel that way, but I don't really agree. At this point, doing something massive like this is the smartest thing that DC can do in order to try to capture a large audience and get them to check out their books.
I think that's pretty much all we need to know that Marvel wouldn't rule out trying to pull a stunt like this. It's only a matter of time then till we know just how ready and willing they are to do what some people didn't think they'd be ready to do: reboot the Marvel universe, even if the fans disagreed.

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Just read where part of their "diversity" outreach will be changing Mister Terrific's character and look. They're giving him tattoos and putting him in what looks like a leotard. Guess there weren't enough ballet gangsta black guys in the DCU.

Oh, and they appear to be turning him into a womanizer. Because, you know, a guy whose motivation was his wife's death is going to sleep with every woman he can find. While wearing a leotard.

Yeah, my self-imposed comics exile will continue for some time, looks like...

And I thought it was bad enough when DC and Marvel started depicting Black Lightning and Luke Cage as bald! Now they're degenerating into dreadful tattoo culture along with it. And they'll probably never establish a long term relationship for Michael Holt with one girlfriend either.

Hey, in my town the Crips do nothing but help people and do good deeds. They are truly pillars of the community and heroes worthy of being immortalized in comicdom.

Honestly, I don't think Holt should ever have a romantic relationship, long-term or otherwise. I think of Robin Williams' character in Good Will Hunting for some reason with him. I can't see him ever moving on.

But, romance? Fidelity? Commitment? I'd be shocked if there were any Big Two creators who understand any of those concepts today, based on product and interviews.

That was part of my issue with the Baron (or most any other) Punisher run. Great stories and characterization one issue, uncharacteristic (and icky) crap the next.

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