Greg Rucka suddenly speaks out against the dark
When I was working on 52, I half-jokingly asked Geoff Johns what it was with him and decapitations. If you’ve read his work, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Black Adam, in particular, had a penchant for removing the top, so to speak. His response was that he’d grown up playing Mortal Kombat. Fatalities were common, as he put it; a decapitation was de rigueur. Me, I was in college when Narc came out. Late formative years, and I still remember being taken aback the first time I watched the animated pitbulls tearing me apart on the screen.[...]It's pretty amazing that only now, several years after he co-wrote Countdown to Infinite Crisis along with 2 other terrible writers, Geoff Johns and Judd Winick, he'd be willing to speak out about this. However, I think it'd work a lot better if he were to officially address the problems in the comic book medium as well as the movies, and to be fair, if he showed the guts to cite the problem Geoff Johns had by playing too much Mortal Kombat, he did. He could've also avoided the needless potshot at Rick Perry.
Here’s the thing: I am sick and tired of super-heroes who aren’t super and aren’t heroes, but more, I’m sick and tired of Hollywood blaming us for their failures. I am sick and tired of hearing various Hollywood studio execs who are as disconnected from the reality of middle-American taste as Rick Perry is from Christianity excusing the poor performance of their ill-executed product by tacitly blaming you, me, and everyone else of us who didn’t pay to see their garbage. Catwoman fails? Instead of, perhaps, just perhaps, acknowledging that the movie is a piece of excrement unworthy of use as fertilizer, they conclude instead that a female lead can’t open a movie unless her name is Jolie. So now we’re not only guilty of not being willing to pay for 90 minutes of intellectual abuse, we’re all apparently sexist jerks, as well. The problem with Green Lantern’s performance at the box office is that it’s not “gritty” enough? I don’t think so.
Art – and even if that art is commercial art, produced for entertainment – feeds and is fed by the society that consumes it. So I ask you, right now, looking around you, what flavor of escapism will go down best with you? In an era of terror alerts and bipartisan dysfunction, of rising hate and blossoming intolerance, of bank failure and wide-spread, global unemployment and recession, is gritty really what we need?
Look, I like gritty. I write gritty. There is a time and a place for gritty. I’ll take my Batman gritty, thank you, and I will acknowledge that such a portrayal means that my 11 year old has to wait before he sees The Dark Knight. But if Hollywood turns out a Superman movie that I can’t take him to? They’ve done something wrong. Superman is many, many things. Gritty he is not, something that Richard Donner certainly understood.
(Pet peeve time: for the contingent out there who sneer at heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman and Captain America, those icons who still, at their core, represent selfless sacrifice for the greater good, and who justify their contempt by saying, oh, it’s so unrealistic, no one would ever be so noble… grow up. Seriously. Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters.)
This is not an argument of era or audience sophistication. Sophistication does not negate sincerity, nor does it even deny it, as the Captain America movie proves. Sophistication demands better storytelling, clearer motivation, purer intention. “Gritty” is an apologist word in this sense, used in the place of “realism.” We don’t go to the movies for “realism.” This is why documentaries aren’t the major product in the theaters. Sophistication does not demand realism; it demands smart.
Of course it's very sad if Hollywood really does blame the very industry they were still willing to adapt to screen for their own failures. But that still doesn't excuse the grievious errors made by the very contributors of today's comic book medium. And if Rucka isn't confronting them sufficiently, then he hasn't made enough impact.
Labels: dc comics, dreadful writers, marvel comics, misogyny and racism, violence
Hate to break it to Rucka, but there are a lot more Methodists and Baptists in America than whatever leftist, believe-nothing political-organization-passing-as-a-denomination he thinks represents "Christianity."
If he were really that concerned about dark, postmodern comics, he probably wouldn't be drawing a paycheck from DC, either.
Posted by
TheDrizzt |
8:05 PM
Rucka is specifically addressing film adaptations in the referenced post, a crucial part of which you've omitted for no apparent reason. It would also have been useful to retain the embedded links in the text you quoted, in order to preserve the article call-outs.
If you feel that Rucka isn't addressing the issue sufficiently, you should take it up with him directly (@ruckawriter on Twitter) rather than criticize his failure to resolve your concerns in a personal opinion delivered on another - although related - topic. I personally feel omitting sections of the opinion, adding your own emphasis and then tagging the resulting post with "dreadful writers" and "misogyny and racism" does not make for a useful statement.
In fact, that second tag is entirely irrelevant. There is no misogyny or racism in the opinion cited nor your article as a whole. Rucka is an outspoken feminist and is known for strong female protagonists including Renee Montoya (Gotham Central/The Question), Carrie Stetko (Whiteout) and Dex Parios (Stumptown).
Lastly, I hate to break it to TheDrizzt, but Rucka does not currently work at DC. He is currently handling The Punisher at Marvel and working on a followup to his Oni Press release, Stumptown.
Posted by
Aaron Hunter |
4:32 PM