Archie's Riverdale is Occupied
As this news item tells, the Archie Comics franchise is going downhill into politicization, now with a take of their own on the Occupy movement written by former DC Comics contributor Alex Segura, and there's every chance it'll be a throughly whitewashed allusion to the awful leftist movement. Will Mr. Lodge be villified as a greedy capitalist in this story, or will he offer to just give up much of his money for the sake of people who aren't deserving of it?
Clearly, even the Archie owners can't keep themselves from alienating much of the family audiences they used to market to.
Clearly, even the Archie owners can't keep themselves from alienating much of the family audiences they used to market to.
NRO's John O'Sullivan was right: that what isn't directly right-wing will become left-wing over time. Archie is no exception.
The timing is funny, as there is news about Archie's internal battles and how nasty it has become.
If Archie is going to say "business is evvvvillll," then, "mind your own house, first." Just saying.
Posted by
Killer Moth |
11:57 AM
Please kill me, somebody.
Posted by
Kookaburra |
12:51 PM
First they forcibly shoehorn an opnely gay character into the comics, and now this, too? It shows that nothing is sacred anymore.. when even Archie is being politicized, you know something's wrong with the comics industry and it isn't just Marvel or DC.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:00 PM
I got a hold of the Archie schedule for the rest of 2012; it's more of the same.
March- Veronica goes to a Planned Parenthood fundraiser. Jane Fonda gueststars.
April/May- Archie attends a La Raza rally. Entitled 'Archie and Aztlan' (2-parter).
June/July- Another 2-part epic, a crossover with the Authority entitled 'The Santorum-Nazi Plot.'
Aug- Jughead trades in his beanie for a fair-trade organic coffee bag.
Sept- Betty's journalism class takes on the right-wing, fascist bias of Fox News. Martin Bashir and Ed Schultz guest star.
Oct- In a heartwarming crossover with Marvel, Jughead marries Northstar.
Nov- Thanksgiving special. The whole gang gets together for dinner and curses the white man, who speak with forked tongue.
Dec- Riverdale High bans all Christmas...uh...I mean, holiday songs except Frosty the Snowman. Guest star Barry Lynn.
Posted by
Kookaburra |
3:24 PM
How about Archie as a 9-11 Truther? Talk about topical!
Posted by
Pat |
11:56 PM
LMAO at Kookabura's 3:24!!!
Posted by
Hube |
5:23 AM