Bleeding Cool downplays the seriousness of Doc Ock committing rape in ASM
But there is something else regarding Amazing Spider-Man #700 and Avenging Spider-Man #15.1 that many may have missed. Doctor Octopus gets his lesson, his Uncle Ben moment, his Road To Damascus revelation and decides to change. To be a different man, a better man, the hero he could have been but never was.It makes very little difference whether he allegedly goes straight or goes back to being crooked. If he has sex with Mary Jane in the body of Peter yet keeps his mind-switch a secret, he is in a way committing rape, even in sci-fi terms. So I don't think many folks are missing anything. Otto Octavius is hardly learning a lesson at all. But if he does, why doesn't he try to reverse the harm he caused to Peter, and help restore his mind to his own body? While that may happen somewhere down the road - one that's bound to be very long, alas - it won't be enough to redeem the damage they've already piled on Spidey more than a decade ago. Some "better man" Doc Ock is, and some "redemption" journey he's taking there. This is only bound to end up the literary equivalent of a drug hallucination. It's shameful that BC is dismissing how the fanfiction-like approach to writing here only does more harm than good.
Superior Spider-Man #1 looks to be, in many ways, a tale of redemption. Someone trying to change and be a better man. Knowing what he knows now, experiencing what he has now experienced, will he choose to decline what is being offered to him?
Those offended by the direction Marvel's forcing on Spider-Man are not missing anything at all. They've come, seen, and rightly recognize this as a tasteless exercise in futility that leads nowhere.
Labels: dreadful writers, marvel comics, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, Spider-Man, women of marvel
Yup, you definitely missed it. The article specifically stated that if Dock Ock *doesn't* have sex with Mary Jane, it's a sign of his potential redemption.
Posted by
Rich Johnston |
4:29 AM
I checked the article and couldn't find any specific argument to that effect. I haven't missed anything, and it's regrettable that you're going on the defensive like that.
Posted by
Avi Green |
6:25 AM