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Saturday, March 14, 2015 

Simone rants about Tom Cotton

For sending a letter to Iran making clear the GOP won't put up with the autocracy's nuclear warfare program, Simone's written some very unfunny tweets about a politician who served in Iraq while he was in the army:

Correction: you have no qualification for commenting on serious issues, and no business making jokes out of them. She's one of a very small portion who want to demonize Cotton for standing up to despots. Cotton served in the army, and with dignity. Simone probably never did.

I don't see why she need pay attention to Cotton if she doesn't like him.

I think Simone is an ostrich who puts her head in the sand. I guess Russia's own weaponry development during the Cold War was no big deal either, eh?

I think Simone's the bad lecturer here. She makes a very bad comedian too at this point.

If there were a magazine highlighting apologists, Simone should be in every feature story about them.

Simone is long past the point where her "jokes" are becoming unforgivably disgusting.

If she brings to mind any dinos, it'd probably be a stegosaurus, which is pretty slow on the uptake.

I'm coming to the conclusion Simone hates justice, and turns her back on innocent women in Iran who've been tortured by the regime's autocrats.

And Simone should never have to write books like Birds of Prey ever again. Besides, she's already decidedly given clues she's not exactly a Black Canary fan, if that matters.

Dear dear. That amounts to trolling against Mr. Cotton. Not very ethical, I don't think.

So says somebody who turns her back to far worse, more serious issues.

This is basically online harrassment. Very poor example. Sigh.

And with her startling biases, Simone is the writer whom everybody's going to turn down in sales within time, and those who do read her books will have to take everything she writes with a grain of salt. While we're on the topic, she also wrote:

If she's a fan of Churchill, I wonder what she'll think when she finds out what he said about Islamofascism in The River War? This is some of the most shameful, pointless drivel she's written to date.

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Yeah, I don't think a former hairdresser has the right to criticize a Harvard graduate and a war hero on intelligence an bravery. Simone saw she's for gay and women's rights, but she props up the largest abusers of them in the world. And what's with her insults? First Bill O'Reilly's a foot, now Tom Cotton's a brachiosaurus?

Speaking of Churchill, he was denounced as a war monger and a scare monger in the 1930's when he warned of the rise of Nazi Germany. Neville Chamberlain promised that his appeasement policy and Munich Agreement would guarantee "peace for our time."

Today, we know who was right. And history will, in time, pass the exact same judgments on Cotton (and Netanyahu) on the one hand, and Obama on the other.

Simone doesn't want a representative government with co-equal branches and a system of checks and balances. She and the other Obama Zombies want an absolute dictatorship, with severe punishment for "traitors," i.e., anyone who doesn't pretend to see the emperor's new clothes.

And Simone's quips are not as cute or clever as she thinks they are. But, when you are fifteen, snarky one-liners seem terribly cool and sophisticated. And, emotionally and intellectually, champagne socialists like Simone are about fifteen years old.

Cotton and the other senators merely wrote an open letter. What does Simone think of Nancy Pelosi meeting with Syria's Assad during the Bush administration? Or of John Kerry meeting with Sandinistas when Reagan was president?

Or of Senator Obama sending a personal emissary to Tehran in 2008, advising the mullahs to reject any agreements with the US during the Bush administration, because they could get a better deal by waiting until Obama became president?

Churchill was going to order the RAF to bomb the Nazi rocket plant at Peenemunde, but called it off, because he was afraid Gail Simone would tweet nasty jokes about him on Twitter.

If the comments were at least funny, I'd be okay with them, but she makes the same joke again and again. It's like saying "that's what she said" after everything.

No comment on bleeding cool's thor/captain America article?

This is probably the BleedingCool article Tom is talking about.


The only thing Simone has served is herself -- a mega milkshake, at least twice a day.

Oh, snap, Hube.

On the plus side, Tom Cotton is definitely doing something right.

My only pity is toward her cat. Hell, the cat would understand the Constitution better than she would.

Simone makes childish jokes about Cotton's physical appearance, instead of addressing the substantive issues. But then, Twitter's character limitations make it suitable only for flippant one-liners. It can't handle a serious, in-depth discussion of complicated issues.

And neither can Simone.

I've just posted a topic about Bleeding Cool's article.

Used to be a time when private thoughts were just that, private. Now everybody and their grandma has to put down the littlest detail about their own ideas and beliefs 24-7.

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