And just what proof do they have it's "normal"?
The Washington Post recently wrote about Banned Books Week, and what books have been declared taboo at some schools. The part about Persepolis is interesting, but when they turn to a comic called "Drama", that's where they begin to lurch into propaganda territory:
And it sure does contrast with how obesity's been discussed in most mediums in the past. The difference is that, even if they don't try to work if off, overweight people usually don't deny obesity is unhealthy. SJWs and advocates of homosexuality, on the other hand, are as PC-leaning as it gets.
“Drama’s” appearance on the list is unfortunately typical of the trend that is putting other popular and prominent books on the list — the candid depiction of homosexuality,” says Brownstein, who next week will appear on “Banned Comics” and “Comics Censorship” panels at New York Comic-Con."Normal"? So here we're told a now classic PC cliche that homosexuality is "normal", by which definition they mean suitable practice for children, whereas standard heterosexual intercourse, even non-explicit, presumably isn't. The real issue should be whether it's existential, and the answer to that is "yes". Homosexuality is something that exists, yet many SJWs want it to be seen as an acceptable practice and lifestyle, and psychology cannot apply. If the book had depicted homosexuality as something that children shouldn't view as something to emulate, then the arguments against putting the book in libraries wouldn't be necessary. But these are nutcases pushing social/political/cultural propaganda on an unwitting audience, and so it all boils down to a wish that society at large be the ones to raise other people's children for them instead.
“What’s galling in the case of ‘Drama’ is the book has been challenged as being ‘sexually explicit’ for a very chaste scene depicting two boys kissing during a stage play,” Brownstein tells Comic Riffs. “It depicts a normal part of growing up for many, many young people in a light, honest fashion.
“In the incidents I’ve personally been involved in, and many others,” he continues, “the book’s light touch is precisely what infuriates those who want to take it off the shelves — there’s a sense that’s been communicated to me and others that kids shouldn’t be reading that being gay is a normal part of the human experience.”
And it sure does contrast with how obesity's been discussed in most mediums in the past. The difference is that, even if they don't try to work if off, overweight people usually don't deny obesity is unhealthy. SJWs and advocates of homosexuality, on the other hand, are as PC-leaning as it gets.
“It’s distressing to see so many important books for young readers being challenged and banned,” Brownstein says. “When you look at the 2014 list, you really see the books that kids are reading on their own time.And what if a book comes along depicting communism and socialism as a positive role model? Will they say it's wrong for parents to object to commie indoctrination too? Distinctions need to be made between certain subject matters and their depictions in the finished product. Otherwise, it's not very intelligent at all.
“We should be celebrating these young minds being drawn to such diverse, challenging and intelligent subject matter — not telling them there’s something wrong with them for reading these books.”
Labels: conventions, libraries, moonbat writers, msm propaganda, politics
Cringe alert! In Slott's premiere issue of the relaunched Amazing Spider-Man out yesterday, Peter Parker attends a gay wedding.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:23 AM
"It should be celebrated" - No, no it should not.
When sex-ed programs these days aims at a younger and younger audience, they teach that homosexuality is normal and healthy from birth to death. If anyone questions it, they are re-educated. If a child finds it gross, they are 'kindly told' that some people are like that and that the child is being insensitive.
It is ironic and hypocritical that they are going to have a convention about banned comic books when they are the most stingy and ban-happy comic book controllers out there. If a comic even dares to show homosexuals in a negative light, that comic is banned. If anything is seen as sexist, that comic is banned. If a comic is Islamophobic, that comic is banned. Yet when parents intervene and tell their kids something, it's suddenly homophobic.
They want truth and celebration. Fine, then. Show them the AIDs rates and see how much they deny it applies to them.
Posted by
I. Renarde |
9:42 PM