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Saturday, October 03, 2015 

But there's no education problem, Marz?

Here's what always reliably leftist Ron Marz has to say about gun control, and little else, in his own reaction to the terrible shooting at a college in Oregon:

And no problem with poor educational curriculum anywhere, right, Marz? Not even overseas, where the maniac apparently came from?

When it's noted that a sheriff investigating the tragedy doesn't want to mention the monster by name, Marz says:

Maybe we shouldn't have to mention the shooter by name, but here's something to ponder: we should know what kind of ideological background he came from, shouldn't we? In his case, it was one that espoused anti-Christian sentiment. According to CNN, the shooter also hated blacks, despite possibly being of mixed race himself, and was frustrated with women.

On the other hand, if there's anybody who could be remembered by name, it's the victims, and even the hero who plowed into the shooter to stop him from causing more horrors. How come Marz doesn't recommend that?

Then, in response to the news that the sheriff on the case wrote to Joe Biden in protest of gun control laws, he says:

He may not have known or remembered what the sheriff said earlier, and the above is probably the best way he can think of to get around his initial comment. He predictably refuses to consider that a lot of criminals get their weapons through the black market, and that's what we should really be worried about.

Also, the Federalist (via Accuracy in Media) notes that the Oregon campus was a gun-free zone. Yet, as we've seen, the gunman managed to get onto campus with firearms, and nobody else had one to defend themselves with, not even the one guard working at the time. Yet Democrats are objecting to assigning armed guards to schools, and simultaneously show no interest in improving educational curriculum. Sadly, this still makes no difference to Marz, who continues to make more superficial complaints rather than challenging ones.

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The Daily Beast seems to confirm the shooter was biracial, so there's no single white male shooter meme, this time. (Media is going, "Damn it!")


As for Marz, well, what could I say that Avi didn't? What's the phrase, "you're stuck on stupid"?

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