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Wednesday, October 21, 2015 

Waid warbles about Benghazi probe and upholds anti-conservative take on Capt. America

At least a few ultra-leftists acted hostile to the negative reception Nick Spencer's take on Captain America Falcon has received. We'll start this focus specially with Mark Waid, who first posted:

Tell us all how you're truly a representative of all sincerity and honesty yourself, Mr. Waid. Don't the diplomats whose lives were lost in the attack in Benghazi matter? Now, here's some he's posted about the Captain America controversy:

The article he's linked to is otherwise unfavorable to rightists, but what's really interesting is what the reporter chose to mention:
As the issue's writer, Spencer of course has been singled out in the coverage, with some outlets noting he's tweeted unfavorably about Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. There's also an online petition calling for his "resignation" from Marvel; it has 14 supporters.
How come he doesn't mention there's a hashtag now calling for a Marvel boycott? Which would be the wisest thing to do, and it's about time somebody emphasized a boycott for all the right reasons.

Translation: Waid believes "private citizens" are far more murderous than any of the worst interlopers, including potential Islamic terrorists.

That's a bit rich coming from somebody who doesn't seem particularly worried about the safety of Muslim women who fell victim to honor murders.

Maybe it's for the best if everybody else with more common sense block Waid.

I can guess. He got some flak, but the parenthesis hints he's not sorry for what he said.

Oh, I'll admit, that's awkward alright. But it still doesn't excuse what's been done now. The real request should be to cut out all the jarring, explicit anti-conservative rhetoric. Decades ago, you rarely saw anything like what's flooded superhero comics today, and if they'd just cut out all the hostility, maybe they wouldn't encounter so much disgust at their antics.

What about the willfully ignorant, and people like Waid who believe it's fully justified to alienate half their audience from a political standing? He's long lost his marbles here.

He then tries to justify the new misuse of the Sons of Serpent concept by pointing to the Silver Age conception:

Who said anybody in the know was ever rooting for the Serpents? The difference is that back in the late 60s, they were created as a simple supremacist group with no serious identification with either conservative or liberal standings, although their leader was General Chen, who, according to one of Marvel's past guides, was a communist agent from China. How come Waid didn't take that into account?

Now, the politics ascribed to the Serpents are more apparent, which basically makes this a case of taking an old creation with a communist as the main baddie and exploiting them for somebody else's agenda, making them a stand-in for right-wingers. I'm sorry, but Waid's defense falls flat. He also doesn't seem particularly bothered by the poorly written dialect given to the new Serpent leader in Spencer's script ("et cetera, et cetera"? Anybody who can only think of gibberish like that isn't trying to be very clever.)

Really? That's what some liberals tell us, but they forget that one of his co-creators, Joe Simon, supported the Republicans when he was around. And that in better days, Cap's tales depicted him as anti-fascist and even anti-communist, even during the late 60s-early 70s. In any case, Waid shouldn't be acting entitled to creations like Capt. America as though they're literally leftist property.

Well gee, as if we didn't already know that! It was written by an ultra-leftist named Mark Millar, and was inappropriate to foist on a character who fought to defend countries like France in WW2. Funny how that doesn't seem to occur to Waid, unless he thinks Millar really did try to support the right?

In the end, Waid's just explained why he's a very sad case. Sometimes I wonder if he's the kind of writer whose achievements in comics are only a handful. I seem to recall he was one of the writers involved with scripting the Onslaught storyline in the Marvel universe, and that was very overrated alright. But would he ever admit it? I guess not.

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Waid: Fox News blah blah blah Koch Brothers yadda yadda Tea Party blah blah NRA bad blah blah Obama a saint yadda yadda Bush doofus blah blah anyone who disagrees with me about anything is a racist blah blah.

There's no nuance there. Waid condones adding two million immigrants (the population of Dallas) every year. Including illegal immigrants, some of whom are violent criminals. Many of whom are illiterate, have no skills, and don't speak English, and therefore cannot get good jobs and will end up on welfare. Some have contagious diseases. And some are Trojan Horses for ISIS or other terrorist groups.

And Waid condemns private citizens resorting to vigilantism, but what is the alternative? The administration has ordered the Border Patrol and Immigration enforcement authorities to stand aside and let the invasion continue unopposed.

"How come he doesn't mention there's a hashtag now calling for a Marvel boycott?"

Considering only a relative handful of the "#BoycottMarvel" tweets have anything to do with this Cap/conservatives dust-up, I don't see how it's particularly noteworthy.

A quick scan shows the others involve "Jessica Jones," the casting of Tilda Swinton in "Doctor Strange," the female Thor, that leaked Ike Perlmutter email, etc. It seems to be a catchall hashtag for the Marvel "outrage" of the moment.

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