A man who perpetuates falsehoods about Gamergate is unfit to write John Carter comics
Hold on, you are telling me that Ron Marz, the guy writing the current John Carter comics, the one which would set any SJW ablaze if they saw what the female protagonist looks like....Oh, they're right about that. Burroughs's creation of Dejah Thoris is one of the most un-PC designed heroines you can find out there, since, as described through John Carter himself in the original novels from the early 20th century, she wears some of the skimpiest bikini-like garb around. Similarly, many of the Barsoomian men wear very skimpy loins. Even Jane Porter, the Maryland-born wife of Tarzan, Burrough's other famous creation, was another lady who dressed in skimpy outfits; this was the hot jungle, after all.
Is anti GamerGate?
I wonder how would SJWs feel about it if they learned of this? I bet he is only anti-GG to drive away attention from that.
And they're among the very kind of ideas that SJWs today would want to hold book burnings for. There's doubtless plenty of early sci-fi authors, even Isaac Asimov, who'd be condemned by today's censorious Wertham-like crowd, because they had all these escapist ideas with certain fun attached that today's opponents believe is unacceptable. And this is whom Marz is siding with? Honestly, I don't think somebody who throws his weight behind such a PC bunch is qualified for writing comics based on the works of people whose visions go against even his own.
I haven't noticed Marz attacking the GamerGate campaign lately. But judging by his lack of argument on the new costume designs for the comics Dynamite is publishing, that's why there's reason to doubt he's sorry. I've noticed him promoting the new works by retweeting them on his Twitter page, so I guess that says everything. Just another clown who takes an assignment yet has no pride in his work. He practically insulted whole generations of artists, old and new, by taking the side of a movement that's against them, all the way back to Joe Shuster.
And more recently, Marz started commenting again about people attacking Frank Miller, all because they didn't like a mere cover illustration he drew for a new Batman miniseries, though I think reasons could run deeper. Marz said:
Are people getting paid to whine that they don't like the way Frank Miller drew Superman? Because they sure act like it.— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 5, 2015
I have this weird theory that self-obsessed people like to piss and moan about stuff on the internet. https://t.co/EulRjuVPq0— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 5, 2015
Yeah, but then, Marz shouldn't piss and moan about politics like he's long been so inclined to do. I can guess why some of this moaning though: Miller's penning of Holy Terror must've sent some trollish nuts into a tizzy, and now they'd rather he be drummed out of town for even the most petty reasons. May I make clear that while Miller's not a saint, and there are some things he's done that disappointed me - which can happen with just about any creator, good or bad - you shouldn't just judge a book by the illustration on the cover. It's the interior decor that counts. I figure Marz's politics make him reluctant to acknowledge the possibilities for why those trolls don't like Miller today.
The vitriol I see clicking on Frank Miller as a trending topic depresses me. Sneering cruelty is what peoplelearned from superhero comics?— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 6, 2015
Whoa, did you see that? The man who penned Emerald Twilight can't figure it out? Marz was an early advocate of "outrage culture", and even if his detractors didn't convey their misgivings the right way, he still didn't show any respect for those who did go about it rationally. Sneering cruelty was embodied in the form of Major Force, and he's apparently forgotten.
No. It's whining. Don't try to pass off petulant entitlement as passion. https://t.co/Mg7cLtf1ud— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 6, 2015
And you don't try to pass off all that leftarded nonsense as genius, Mr. Marz.
Well, if nothing else, the people spewing bile at Frank Miller because they didn't like a drawing gives me handy checklist of who to mute.— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 6, 2015
Perhaps with luck, some people will wake up and recognize why it simply doesn't pay to give Marz their backing. He's not fit to write the John Carter adaptations if he's hostile to consumers all because he can't stand seeing people attacking dishonest conduct and ethics in a profession he used to work in (reporting), and must think it's sainthood except in select circumstances. Of course, if Dynamite and the modern trustees of the Burroughs estate are succumbing to PC lunacy, then they can't be excused either. Those who don't have faith in their ability to market a product on its own merits have no business bothering to work in the professions.
Labels: good artists, islam and jihad, licensed products, moonbat writers, politics
On a good note he clearly does not get many readers the John Carter does not even sell 10K units. Maybe his book would sell more if he would stop being a crazed nut on twitter.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:27 AM
Having read some of his John Carter comics, they're not bad..., but I so badly wish someone else was writing them, instead. While I'll give up Red Sonja because of Gail Simone, giving up Warlord of Mars is a lot harder for me.
Posted by
Killer Moth |
12:02 PM
I read some, they sucked. The art was the only thing good in the books. The characterization and stories were poor at best.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:54 AM
I also have read some of his John Carter comics, the story is garbage but the art is good. I guess that could be put on the back of a trade a trade, but why make something a trade that does not sell to begin with. Overall the meal looks nice but it tastes like garbage.
Posted by
Mark T |
1:26 PM
While we're at it, makes me wonder the fate of the Warlord "risque" covers, since Dynamite is overhauling things and covering Dejah up now. (Nothing too naughty, just art altered to make Dejah topless. Sometimes more is done, but it's rare.)
And, yeah, admittedly, the art is the main reason I bother with the series now. But don't worry, the SJWs will try their best to make you feel guilty about it, too.
Posted by
Killer Moth |
2:12 PM
Great to know that about this issue.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted by
Fakharuddin |
10:15 PM
Books like this are really nice and fun to read especially if some content in this book is having a good learning that a reader should adapt. Also, sharing other people's reaction on this might help someone to know if this book is worthy to read.
Posted by
someone do my homework for me |
11:35 AM