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Monday, November 16, 2015 

What is Nick Spencer saying about unscreened immigration after the Paris bloodbath?

Here's what I found Nick Spencer, now making himself one of the most reprehensible people working on illustrated pictures, saying about refugees after the horrific massacre in Paris this weekend:

I think Nick should look at himself in the mirror.

Here's where the apologists delude themselves: do they really, truly think ALL "refugees" are after the same goals, and none of them wish ill upon other nations? Such naive thinking alright. Here's why several Republican governors now oppose welcoming Syrian refugees into the USA:
Several governors say that they will not resettle any refugees from Syria in their states, amid reports that at least one of the Paris attackers slipped through Europe’s immigration system and concerns about “gaping holes” impacting America’s screening process.

On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that he sent a letter to President Obama saying that Texas will not take any Syrian refugees in light of the attacks.

"Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity," Abbott wrote. "As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril."
Exactly. There were even terrorists who crossed the border in the past decade from Mexico, some who pretended to be Latin Americans themselves, and that too is why it's dangerous in this day and age to just accept interlopers without reservations. Spencer obviously doesn't consider that.

Keep going, please. What about all the innocent westerners who were murdered by jihadists? One of the victims in Paris was American, by the way.

One very popular left-wing lie parroted by Spencer. There's plenty of men too, and the children could grow into monsters if raised on the wrong substance.

Yeah, it's all just a right-wing conspiracy, eh? I'm betting he doesn't even understand a word of French, or he might go to some local language site and see what they have to say too.

By people like Spencer, that is. Has he ever pondered how dishonest the mainstream press has been about Islam and the Koran?

That's all a big face value argument. Does he know what "taqqiya" means in Arabic?

The only thing leftists like Spencer support is defeatism. They're unworthy of the jobs they now have, which they blatantly exploit for hardcore propaganda.

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A lot of the "refugees" are able-bodied young males. If they really are refugees and not Trojan Horses, then give them rifles and ammunition and send them back to the Middle East to fight ISIS. They could fight along side the Kurdish women who stood their ground instead of running away.

And a lot of terrorists are women and even children, just as capable of firing a rifle or throwing a grenade as the men.

Limousine liberals live in gated communities in Westchester NY or Pacific Heights CA or Alexandria VA (or in the White House), surrounded by iron fences and heavily armed bodyguards. Meanwhile, working class people have to suffer the consequences of the leftists' policies. Including the policy of allowing criminals from Mexico and terrorists from Syria to enter the US.

Why should Europe or America have to accept the refugees? Why shouldn't other Arab countries-Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, the UAE-take them?

And Barry says that the refugees will be screened to weed out terrorists before they enter the US. Yeah, right.

He also said, one day before the Paris massacre, that ISIS was "contained."

And, considering how often Muslims go on a rampage and murder dozens of innocent victims while screaming "Allah Akbar," and then the FBI and Department of Homeland Security insist that the "motive is unclear," it's hard to have any faith in the government's ability (or even willingness) to vet the "refugees."

How many refugees has Spencer offered to take into his own home?

The town of Sumte, Germany (pop. 102) has been ordered to take in 750 refugees. If Spencer thinks that is reasonable, then he should allow at least seven strangers to move in with him.

The fact that he thinks ISIS "wins" if we STOP taking in refugees is possibly the most delusional thing I've ever heard. Is that what some liberal pundits are actually saying, or did Spencer's double-think automatically give him that idea? Because the actual ISIS members (including the one who participated in the Paris attacks) are actually LAUGHING and BRAGGING about how easy it is for them to infiltrate Europe along with the refugees.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expects a village of approximately 100 residents to take in more than 700 migrants. By that logic, she should invite at least 28 migrants to move into her home with her and her family (she is married and has two stepchildren).

Similarly, Obama has a household of four family members (with his spouse and two daughters). So they should allow 28-30 refugees to move into the White House with them.

The Clintons own seven mansions. How many "refugees" are they willing to take in?

Why is it Paris seems to get a lot of terrorist attacks lately?

Paris has been targeted even though they have been sucking up to the Arabs and condemning Israel. Proving once again the futility of appeasement.

Spencer tweeted that "Most (of the migrants) are women and children."

Frontline recently ran a documentary showing ISIS-run schools in the Middle East. Children as young as three are being taught about their duty to wage jihad, and they are being taught to handle machine guns, automatic pistols, and rocket launchers.


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