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Monday, March 28, 2016 

How Waid and Slott reacted to Mark Hughes' disagreements

Since we're on the topic of Superman and Mark Hughes, here's a related subject: Waid couldn't respect Hughes' difference of opinion, and how did he respond? Guess:

So Hughes has just experienced the sad reality about Waid, who's startlingly nasty in his conduct towards people he doesn't agree with, and it's not just over politics alone. Slott didn't do much better, and said:

He also wrote on Twitlonger prior to viewing Batman vs. Superman:
Have I've gone on and on about the sequence in MOS where Superman kills someone? You bet. To be fair though-- MOST of that is me responding to someone who's asking directly about it. So if your friends who are MOS fans would stop RT'-ing those, chances are it wouldn't show up in your TL-- even if you follow me. So asking THEM to stop, or muting or blocking my Twitter account would easily solve that problem.

The thing that won't stop it, is sniping at me to "stay in my lane".
It is my lane. Because I'm a Superman fan and have been reading Superman comic for over 40 years. I get to travel on that lane.

And for the guys who are the most aggressive and nasty about it online, guess what? DC's paid me to write Superman a number of times. So, to the most internet-butthurt over my opinions about Superman, I outrank you.
My, what an exercise in self-vanity. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already shunned Hughes over his disagreements, and for now, Slott's certainly proven that, no matter how positively Hughes talks about his work, he doesn't honor his arguments at all. I'd strongly advise Mr. Hughes to avoid Ron Marz too, because he's just as bad, if not more so, and even Kurt Busiek's not proving the best representative for the medium lately. And they'd be just the beginning.

Then, here's a comment by Mark Waid, where he tries to play victim:

Gee, and here all Hughes presumably did was voice a disagreement with him. Only, I don't think he even spoke to him about this recently. If this has what to do with the Superman-taking-lives topic, I sure don't see what the big deal was that he overreacted, though it's certainly not the first time he's ever been so petty. When somebody else brought this up, he said:

He just couldn't let it go by without one of his big cursy fits, could he?

There's at least one more writer who commented on the Superman vs. Batman movie, and I'll decidedly post his tweets too:

Well then, why did he ever create the Punisher? Somebody pointed that out, and he said:

I'm not so sure of that. Even at the start in 1974, he wasn't depicted as a criminal per se. It was a short time after the Gwen Stacy affair, and he was targeting Spider-Man because he thought he was a criminal himself (he thought Spidey guilty of taking Norman Osborn's life), but after deciding he was innocent, he backed off. Conway's alluding to how, in this new film, Batman bludgeons/kills some of the criminals. While there were a few stories in the Golden Age where he did too, I'm willing to admit this does look over the top, and may not be a great idea. But Conway's far-left politics are just why I don't see the point of complaining. What he should argue is whether Batman should be depicted killing in self-defense or to save innocent lives.

And if it weren't for how the new film depicts the Masked Manhunter, one could think it all looks absurdly like Superman's the one who ends up doing the slaying while Batman's the one WB/DC goes out of their way to protect reputation-wise. Now that I think of it, Conway may have lamented Bruce Wayne's portrayal there, but Slott, Waid and company don't seem as worried about. Nor do they come to terms with how bad their own writing is, or became.

I hope Hughes understands now that Waid, Slott and others of their ilk are a bad lot, and give comicdom a bad name. It's surely the main reason why the industry's doing so badly.

Update: Hughes contacted me to say that he hadn't interviewed Waid, though he wanted to. Let me assure that when somebody like Waid acts as awfully as he does, it's really not that big a deal to interview him, but it's definitely sad Waid has to be that way.

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"I hope Hughes understands now that Waid, Slott and others of their ilk are a bad lot, and give comicdom a bad name. It's surely the main reason why the industry's doing so badly."

That's curious. Please elaborate.

I'm no fan of Conway or his politics, but, in all fairness, I admit that the Punisher was not originally a hero to be admired. He was an anti-hero or a sympathetic villain, and he was an antagonist for Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Captain America.

In the mid-1970's, Marvel may have been trying to expand their audience, and to appeal to the fans of Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson movies (and/or to fans of paperback book series like the Executioner, Destroyer, and Death Merchant). So they tried using the Punisher as a solo hero in two B&W magazines, Marvel Preview #2 and Marvel Super Action #1. Since that did not lead to a permanent series, I assume sales were not good enough.

In the 1980's, there was another action movie fad (Rambo, Commando, Mad Max), so Marvel once again used Frank Castle to jump on the band wagon. First a mini-series to test the waters, then an ongoing self-titled series. This time it must have worked. Judging by the umpteen billion spin-offs, the Punisher must have been one of marvel's most popular characters in the '80's.

That's curious. Please elaborate.

Easy: They're assholes.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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