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Sunday, July 17, 2016 

Another mistake made by Marz

On the week when France suffered another terrorist attack in Nice, Ron Marz wrote a pretty ill-advised comment that sounds like he doesn't want any justice done. First, he said:

But then he said:

Oh, so he's blaming the victim, is he? I can guess that he's implying the old blame-game approach, that "invading" countries like Iraq and Syria that harbor jihadists is the reason the barbarians attacked innocent people. Let's be clear: anybody who uses savagery on innocent people throws away any legitimacy their positions supposedly have. Marz's comments are insulting to any decent citizens of France who've been struck by this horror. He is such a defeatist. If he goes to Angouleme's conventions, sensible readers should avoid him. He has no business writing superhero comics, let alone adventure fare.

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LOL! Marz just can't decide. What, is this a criticism of his hero, Barack "Drone Attack" Obama, or yet another "let's go back to 2003-2008" sojourn to blast George W. Bush?

It is MUCH more likely that the milksop responses by the Western powers to terror attacks are what have emboldened and enabled groups like ISIS more than ever. Marz's rural ivory tower sure does cause a lot of vision problems.

It could be worse -- Marz could be blaming the truck, like the New York Times:



I'm sure that's next for Marz.

MSNBC is also referring to it as "the deadly truck crash," as if it were a traffic accident.

Will Barry complain about how it's easier to rent a truck than to check out a library book? Or will he and Hillary respond to the tragedy by calling for a ban on AR-15 rifles? Probably the latter, if only from force of habit.

The Guardian and USA Today reported, "Truck Kills" victims in France.

Sky News blamed it on Brexit.

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