Miley Cyrus has a problem with Supergirl's gender
Why do you think inequality still exists for women in Hollywood?What a pure loon. I think she just explained perfectly why there's any inequality for women in Tinseltown - because moonbats like her want it to remain that way. What kind of insanity is that she blurted? It doesn't take a genius to figure out she's got no grasp on pop culture history, nor does she have what it takes to appreciate it, or she'd. And she obviously doesn't know that "girl" has been a common slang for young women in their early 20s and 30s for over a century now. Nor does she seem to know that Kara Zor-El was a teenager when first introduced in the late 1950s, and "girl" has long been considered a suitable description for ladies in their teen years.
A lot of it could be changed if we had a female president. That would give us a subconscious boost. I think people will have to realize they’re looking really dated. For example, there’s a show called “Supergirl.” I think having a show with a gender attached to it is weird. One, it’s a woman on that fucking billboard — it’s not a little girl. Two, what if you’re a little boy who wants to be a girl so bad that this makes you feel bad? I think having a title like “Supergirl” doesn’t give the power that people think it does.
And electing a female president alone won't change anything. Certainly not if it's Hillary Clinton, based on the information I've already posted.
One of the producers, Andrew Kreisberg, responded thus:
“It’s based on a pre-existing property that’s called Supergirl, so we never had any intention of calling it something other than that,” said Kreisberg. “I think we worked hard, especially in the early part of season 1 to address the discrepancy. We actually had a scene about Kara herself lamenting, ‘Why aren’t I called Superwoman?’ and had Cat with her great rejoinder about how the word ‘girl’ in and of itself is not offensive. We continue to be proud of this show, we continue to be proud of Melissa and the character she represents and the hero that she represents. We stand by the show.”Unfortunately, there's still a certain discrepancy he didn't address. While reading some of the reader comments, I also found the following that's telling something else:
I have always been a comic book fan. But, I refuse to watch Supergirl. The reason being is that they took Jimmy Olsen, a freckled faced, red haired white boy and replaced him with a tall, buff bald black guy.Personally, what bothers me is that the character, as portrayed here by Mehcad Brooks, is bald. Just how many black guys in pop culture today are being depicted baldly, I'm not sure, but I do think it's demeaning to blacks to depict them without hair. Yet that's what Marvel's been doing with Luke Cage for 15 years now, and it's getting stale fast.
This is not to say that the man currently playing Jimmy isn't a good actor. Just that somewhere out there a freckled faced, red haired actor is unemployed due to political correctness.
And isn't that laughable how a series featuring a pre-existing property like Jimmy Olsen won't depict him the way he was created by Siegel and Shuster, in sharp contrast to Supergirl? Kreisberg shouldn't have said anything.
At least we know from this that Cyrus is an utter lunatic, as she already proved. She needs to see a psychologist.
Labels: dc comics, misogyny and racism, msm propaganda, politics, Supergirl
It has always been common practice, when doing TV shows about teenage characters, to cast young adult actors and actresses. That way, they can work full time (and overtime when necessary) without violating the child labor laws.
And the character was trademarked as "Supergirl," so there was no way to call her "Super LGBTQ" or "Super Tranny" or "Super Androgynous Person."
And "boys who want to be girls"? I have no problem with an adult (assuming the person is legally competent) changing his/her sex, but children are not ready to make such decisions.
It's depressing seeing these cute kids (Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes) go to seed.
SJW's will always find something to whine about. Or make up something to whine about. And has-been pop singers and washed-up actors/actresses will say anything to get some publicity.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:48 AM