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Monday, January 16, 2017 

A comic made for the anti-Trump crowd

Fast Co-Design reports that some New Yorker propagandists have put together a negative tabloid-style comic "for the Trump age":
As the country prepares for the inauguration, many artists are making their own preparations.

For some that means community installations; for others, large-scale performances. For Françoise Mouly, the art editor of The New Yorker, and her daughter, the writer Nadja Spiegelman, protest comes in the form of Resist!, a tabloid newspaper filled with art and comics that will be distributed in Washington D.C. and across the country during the weekend of the inauguration and the Women's March on Washington. [...]

"The intimacy of hand-drawn comics combats the alienation everyone has felt after this election," Spiegelman says. "They draw someone into a personal universe of both space and time. There’s something really intimate about that that lends itself well to telling personal stories."
Oh, tell us about it. It's been more like a case of leftards shunning the right, all because the GOP candidate won. And it's worth noting that the march they're going to distribute this to has already been panned by victims of Bill Clinton, because when did the march organizers ever consider their case? Simply put, the upcoming march is all a sham. And the tabloid's content includes:
[...] pieces of visual art that are motivated by the election, but also speak to much larger issues like civil rights, immigration, and health care. (Mouly and Spiegelman have also posted hundreds more online.)
I think we can already guess where this is going. One of the illustrations in the tabloid is about Planned Parenthood, whose main specialty besides hurting minorities is wasting the taxpayers' money. If that's who they're pandering to, it's shameful.
Despite its robust online presence, Resist! is first and foremost a print artifact—which is part of the point. Mouly was inspired by the French satire magazines , Hara-Kiri, and Charlie Hebdo; Fowler drew inspiration for Resist! from countercultural newspapers that told stories the mainstream left out.
Gee, and I thought the New Yorker considered themselves the mainstream! But if they wouldn't defend the artists who drew the Danish Mohammed cartoons, then I don't see what they're getting at. All they're doing is giving everyone an idea of what Trump-bashing is yet to come, something we could all do without.

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