Disney really is no longer allowing artists to draw the "slave Leia" outfit
Frank tells me he was told that Lucasfilm/Disney were no longer allowing artists to draw Princess Leia in the slave outfit. The “Slave Leia” or “Hutt Killer” portrayal of the character of Princess Leia in Return Of The Jedi has certainly been a controversial one over the years, albeit a look popular among cosplayers.Cho also noted this on his Facebook page:
As I stated before, the original Star Wars variant cover with Slave Leia was rejected by Lucasfilm/Disney. It was all around miscommunication. I wasn't aware of the Lucasfilm/Disney edict of no more "Slave Leia", and Lucasfilm/Disney wasn't aware that I didn't know of this general order.Good grief. Despite the fact that the late Carrie Fisher decided later on that the outfit did bear significance due to how she fought back against Jabba, choking him to death with the chains, Disney decided otherwise and insulted her memory by rejecting all to do with the outfit. Yet they would accept a Han Solo drawing by Cho.
What does this tell us? That the Disney Corp. today is a slave themselves...to the will of politically correct SJWs who likely don't even watch the Star Wars movies or buy any of the merchandise. And that's the problem with corporations today - they're jelly-spined and don't have what it takes to stand up to anybody wishing to make a mockery out of their properties.
Labels: bad editors, censorship issues, good artists, licensed products, marvel comics, politics
From an Carrie Fisher interview wih the Wall Street Journal in 2015 regarding the proposal of banning the outfit:
WSJ: There’s been some debate recently about whether there should be no more merchandise with you in the “Return of the Jedi” bikini.
CF: I think that’s stupid.
WSJ: To stop making the merchandise?
CF: The father who flipped out about it, “What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?” Tell them that a giant slug captured me and forced me to wear that stupid outfit, and then I killed him because I didn’t like it. And then I took it off. Backstage.
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Anonymous |
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