If Infinity Stones is a crossover, it's not what the MCU needs anymore
Marvel has been getting fans even more excited about the Infinity Stones by releasing a new trailer for the Infinity Countdown #1 comic.It sounds like they added a bit of Secret Wars for good measure, because the X-Men and Spider-Man figured more prominently in that crossover. If this crosses over into other books, then it's basically that - a crossover of a potentially company-wide variety. And no matter the merit of Starlin's own story, these crossovers are something that have to be put to bed already. It certainly shouldn't be too difficult to write up a self-contained miniseries that doesn't require nearly every other ongoing series in their inventory tie in with it.
The new event began with Adam Warlock returning to the Marvel universe, as he teamed up with Kang and went to 2018 to help stop the battle for the Infinity Gauntlet.
[...] Infinity Countdown will be "a five issue epic" and could feature anyone from the X-Men to Spider-Man to "maybe even an Avenger here or there", according to Cebulski.
I will say that, if there's any advantage the early Marvel crossovers had, they didn't emphasize killing off notable cast members like some of DC's did. But it still doesn't make the crossover obsession justified, and it goes without saying they almost always had the effect of sabotaging creative freedom for writers who did want to tell an entertaining story without interference. If nobody calls them out on just how obsessive these crossovers are getting and why it's too expensive (and above all, avoid buying them), they'll never cease. If this is what Cebulski's going to resort to, it's the latest clue he's not thinking his business/artistic strategies through well. We didn't need DC's most recent, Dark Knights: Metal, and we don't need Infinity Stones if it's a company wide crossover either.
Labels: bad editors, crossoverloading, marvel comics, msm propaganda