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Sunday, April 01, 2018 

African comics writers get boost by Black Panther movie's success

The Economist wrote about the Black Panther movie's success leading to artists in Africa finding demand for some of their own creations. At the end of the article, however, it says, regarding hope of  enthusiasm lasting:
It probably will. Nnedi Okorafor, a Nigerian-American writer, has been commissioned to write a comic series titled “Wakanda Forever”, about the king’s all-female bodyguards. [...]
If it's written with the same approach Ta-Nehisi Coates took in his writing, the enthusiasm most certainly won't last, and there's little chance Coates' latest work on BP books will fare any better than last time. When you start jamming identity politics so forcefully into the stories, it only results in a divisive situation, which Marvel still can't seem to avoid, as they're intent on keeping around the majority of writers they had since last time, whose resumes were awful.

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It depends on your point of view. From a different perspective, the whole point of the #comicsderogate movement is to inject white
identity politics and divisiveness into mainstream comics.

Whatever you call it, identity politics, diversity, representation, or just paying attention the kinds of people you see when you look out the window, affirmation of black identity has a lot to do with the success of both the Black Panther movie and the comic book. Without it, you would have an awfully bland comic book, and T'Challa would be just Daredevil with claws.

It is a good idea to actually read Coates' stories before disparaging them; he loves the character and puts a lot of substance into the writing.

Shows how much you know about comics gate, troll. If you actually did your research, it's a pretty diverse community and has nothing to do with identity politics, white or otherwise. It has to do with wanting good stories. People are sick of politics being injected into comics, progressive or otherwise. They just want good stories.

Mark Twain, Ernest Hemmingway, Harper Lee, James Michener, Bob Heinlein, Ursula LeGuin, Jack London and a host of others, wrote good stories that had politics injected into them, progressive and otherwise. The politics, the awareness of the world, helped make the stories interesting and challenging and worth reading. When did good require bland and blind? Why do we want to go back to a time when comics were seen only as literature for illiterates?

Stan Lee spent a lifetime trying to show that comics could deliver food for thought along with adventure. Why is that so problematic now? What is the point of reading only what we agree with?

You really don't get it, do you? People don't want partisan politics in their stories. They want fun stories. They're tired of lazy writing, lazy art and the lack of professionalism from comic book creators. The authors you mentioned didn't have a tendency to shove partisan politics on their readers.

The injection of politics into comics has turned a lot of readers away, but people like you don't understand that. You would rather defend them and troll this blog, even though there are a few liberal comic blogs you could go to.

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