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Thursday, June 07, 2018 

Wolverine's getting a new power, which doesn't equal good writing

Charles Soule and Marvel believe Wolverine's resurrection won't mean a thing without "upgrading" his claws:
“Wolverine’s body has been missing. The entire Marvel Universe has been looking for him, because he’s a very important part of the Super Hero puzzle. And at long last, he will be found,” Soule tells Marvel.com. “I thought this was a real opportunity to do things that would make him feel new and fresh in a way; if you come back from the dead, it should mean something. One of the outwardly physical manifestations of that is that now, from time to time, his claws—once they’re popped—they can heat up. They can get really hot.

“The way I think of it in my head and the way I’ve described it in scripts to Steve is you’ve got a blacksmith who is working with metal on his or her anvil and it can be red hot, yellow hot, white hot, all of that stuff and Logan can do that now. If Logan comes at you and his claws are heated up and blazing you’re in big trouble.”
It sounds like a desperate attempt to re-boost Logan's popularity and recognition, but it's just another example of the kind of lazy writing Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns were working in over a decade ago, giving some characters new powers, yet as Johns proved when he was writing the Flash and giving the Top a new power, it was truly awful. The commenters to the article didn't seem impressed either, with one saying:
This just seems...kind of dumb. Aren't Wolverine's claws already razor sharp and super deadly? Isn't making them hot kind of overkill? If anything, this should have been an opportunity to roll back Wolverine's powers so that he's not "can fully regenerate from a single drop of blood" levels of stupid.
He must be alluding to the time Civil War was foisted upon the MCU, and Wolverine could suddenly rematerialize after all the flesh was burned off his adamantium-laced skeleton, in contrast to what was seen in 1981's Days of Future Past when a Sentinel robot obliterated him before future Kitty Pryde succeeded in reversing fate. What was done in the late 2000s was but an example of the monumental stupidity Marvel had sunk to. Another said:
Really this should be a weakness. His healing factor has been established as already working overtime just to keep him from being poisoned to death by the adamantium. Now, the metal in his body is super heated as well, which should theoretically kill antibodies touching the metal. I mean the whole thing is preposterous even by comic book standards. Makes me glad I don’t bother with them anymore
Me too. Nobody's asking for new powers applied to old characters. We're asking for well written character drama and interactions. Making Wolvie's claws hot will only turn cold with the readers in a jiffy.

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