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Saturday, July 28, 2018 

It makes no difference which Flash dies during Heroes in Crisis. It's utterly tasteless

ComicBook reveals that the Flash who's said to die during Tom King's publicity stunt miniseries, Heroes in Crisis, may be Wally West:
In the wake of "Flash War," Wally West is committed to never stop running -- which of course is not something that one can do long-term.

"Number 51 is the immediate epilogue of Wally trying to find his family, and he's just running," writer Joshua Williamson told ComicBook.com. "He said at the end of #50, 'I'll never stop running,' but you know that's not real. You can't do that; eventually he'll have to stop running. So #51 is a lot about that, of him running and Barry and Iris both saying that he has to stop running at some point. It's an emotional, character-driven issue...it's an emotional issue for Wally and Barry and Iris's relationships, and it will definitely tease some of the other stories that we're doing at DC in the fall." [...]

Near the end of The Flash #51, Wally is convinced to stop running by Barry, along with an assist from Superman and Wonder Woman. Superman and Wonder Woman offer to get him help, and promise that some time at Sanctuary will help him.
It makes no difference whether it's Wally, or Jay Garrick, Barry himself, the recently returned Impulse or even the black Wally introduced a few years ago, when DC was continuing with their own social justice and diversity alterations. What matters is that, if they're really killing off a hero in the context of a murder, it's disgusting, and we could do without that kind of trash for a change. This premise - and it was already reported earlier that a Flash would be the victim - has been run into the ground for a long time. But then, I suppose, with DC circling the sales drain as they still insist on sticking with political correctness, it's no surprise they could continue it here.

If they really, truly have to kill off a superhero, it should be by natural causes or vehicular accidents, not by murder. All that aside, it's been clear for a decade that Barry's return hasn't drawn back older readers, and isn't drawing interest of newer ones either, one more reason why Geoff Johns' Rebirth miniseries from 2009 is a sick joke. And it's honestly insulting how Wally's being turned into a grieving ex-father/husband, all because his children have been technically erased along with Linda Park's memory of him, and that Williamson brought back Johns' cardboard modern take on the Reverse-Flash (Hunter Zolomon), is also a disgrace. The way Johns handled it during 2003 rendered Zolomon a lugubrious caricature of the original (Eobard Thawne), and the way the violence kept getting hammered over the readers' heads was irritating. It's something that should've been dropped down the memory hole long ago. Instead, Williamson and company just had to dredge it all up for the umpteenth time, prolonging some of the worst elements that ruined comicdom at the turn of the century.

And whatever they have in store for the Heroes in Crisis "event", the audience shouldn't fall for it again. What they've been doing for 3 decades already is by this point joyless and pessimistic, all the directions that have effectively damaged the adventure genre. We can't let ourselves be fooled anymore.

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