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Sunday, July 15, 2018 

Lonestar: a new indie comic opposed to socialism and in favor of America

One Angry Gamer brings word of Lonestar, a creator-owned project of artist Mark Miller (update: I think that's actually MIKE Miller; maybe it figures a game site would make such a weird typo), who's joined the contributions to more positive pitches for comicdom and earned plenty of money to back it on Indiegogo:
The idea was borne as a counter-culture comic (though, ironically, it’s more like a nod to standard culture from the time before the SJWs took over) that does away with all of the Communist and Socialist propaganda being filtrated through the comic book industry. It hearkens to the time when comic book readers had a real hero to look up to who actually fought crime and defeated villains. Miller explains that all the Social Justice Warrior nonsense compelled him to crowdfund the comic and offer comic book readers something that wasn’t filled with poorly written and poorly drawn propaganda from Cultural Marxists.

After the halfway point of the video, we get the actual story behind the Lonestar comic. We learn that after a tragedy he’s drafted into a super-soldier program of sorts, not unlike Captain America.

He fights against Socialists, beats up Nazis, takes down MS-13 gang members, and essentially attempts to hold up the founding values of America. In other words, he’s the kind of hero that doesn’t exist in today’s comic book spectrum from the big two.
Interesting and impressive. As Fox News explains, the MS-13 gang was founded by Central Americans from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and has a most notorious record of savage murders, rapes, kidnappings and car robberies, making them one of the most dangerous organized crime movements around, and a perfect wellspring for comics stories about crimefighting in the streets, but do the Big Two's modern managers care? Not a lick. For them, patriotism is a sin that should be shunned without question, and Captain America's become of the biggest, saddest victims of this plummet in morale.

So congratulations to Miller for having the guts to develop a project like this (I just hope he'll also be willing to tackle the subject of Islamic extremism in future entries too), which is just what we need for comicdom now, to show somebody's willing to take up the real challenging issues out there in the modern world. His success in raising $18,000 so far in crowdfunding also makes clear there's people out there who support his vision for Lonestar.

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