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Monday, December 31, 2018 

Donny Cates attacks Comicsgate

Here's another writer for Marvel who's decided later than most he wants to go to all the trouble of attacking Comicsgate instead of keeping his mouth shut, which would serve him far better:

From what I could find out, there were Comicsgate supporters who'd defended his work on a Venom project. Now, this is how he thanks them. Of course, Marvel's largely destroyed whatever potential the Spidey franchise had left, so it's not like we'd truly be missing anything, anyway. Regardless, it's a real pity Cates is adding himself to the list of scribes who're making fools of themselves instead of staying out of the fray and just concentrating on their work. As a result, it won't be surprising if he loses audience he alienated with his unnecessary comments.

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Nice comics career you got there. It would be a pity if something happened to it because people thought you were a NAZI.

Cates kept his views to himself, until a comixgate fanboy forced him to take a stand by posting on Cates' feed a comment about some professionals
"who want to join #comicsgate but can't do it publicly."

Leaving aside how you would join - does van Sciver collect membership dues? - once that kind of statement was made, he had to speak out. As they say, for evil to triumph all that is needed is for good men to do nothing.

But what is wrong with him speaking his mind? when was freedom of speech abrogated for comics writers? Or are only the ones you agree with allowed to talk?

Liberals only want Liberal viewpoints, just like Conservatives only want Conservative viewpoints and Moderates only want Moderate viewpoints, and the same goes for all other branches of the political spectrum. Oh sure, there are the rare exceptions that listen to other points of view, but for the majority, that's how modern politics live and breathe.

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