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Sunday, February 03, 2019 

Meltzer still wants to write for an industry he doesn't belong in

The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote last week about both the upcoming 1000th issue of Detective Comics, and the awful liberal novelist Brad Meltzer teasing a return to comicdom. Let's first take a look at what they say about the Batman milestone:
“Detective Comics” 1,000 will be a 96 page, oversized edition for $9.99 with new stories by some of the greatest talent in comics including Kevin Smith and Jim Lee; Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev; Tom King and Tony Daniel; Warren Ellis and Becky Cloonan and many others. The one I am most looking forward to is a new story by my favorite Batman writer of all time, Denny O’Neil. His story will be a sequel to his 1976 Batman story “There’s No Hope in Crime Alley.” Steve Epting will do a great job drawing it.
While O'Neil is a favorite of mine too, the highlighted names are a reason why I won't be bothering about this, not even in trade collections. After all, as noted in earlier posts, Bendis hasn't proven himself useful for Superman, so there's no reason to think he'll be any more effective on Batman. King's another writer turning out to be a very bad lot, practically the very kind of choice Dan DiDio considers worthy for his awful contributors. The price doesn't do any favors either. Now, here's what they say about Meltzer:
Brad Meltzer is too darn successful. His current non-fiction work, “The First Conspiracy,” is number two on the best seller’s list. He has his “lost History” and “Decoded” shows rerunning constantly. His mystery novels are best sellers. His kid’s books series with the simply wonderful art by Chris Eliopoulos may be headed for a television series as well, so he’s a busy guy.

“Michelle Obama’s book is number one, so I don’t mind being second,” he said in an interview. “As far as comics go, I talk to DC and Marvel, but I just don’t have time to do everything I want. Someday, if I can ever shake loose, I will write comics again.”

His Justice League and Green Arrow books are legendary, but pale before his “Identity Crisis” series which turned the DC superhero world around. I put that series among the top ten of all time, right up there with “Watchmen” and “Dark Knight Returns.”
Well they're right about one thing: he's way too successful, or, way too overrated, and above all, it's regrettable so many are overlooking his bad side. But is this ever disgusting they've obscured all the valid arguments about Identity Crisis yet again. What a disgrace, but as I realize, typical of these mainstream outlets to sugarcoat all the rampant misogyny/sexism and other nasty moments that took place in the miniseries, including the 3rd issue's contrived "fight" with Deathstroke.

Meltzer also basically confirms his political positions when he says he doesn't mind 2nd place on the bestseller lists, so long as the woman whose husband was POTUS for the Democrat party is in 1st. It figures when you consider his negative stance on Donald Trump. As it does that he'd be willing to return to comics, but in this post-Weinstein era, I wouldn't recommend it, because, while most SJWs and other leftists may have turned a blind eye to his disgusting antics in Identity Crisis 15 years ago, that doesn't mean they won't throw him under the bus today. Until now, I'd guessed a reason why they had no issues with him before was because they were aware of the leftist political metaphors in Identity Crisis, and this is what kept them from seriously denouncing him. But times can change, and it's always possible they'll finally dump him, even if not for altruistic reasons. When that happens, I won't feel sorry for him. Besides, he was among the writers defending Chuck Wendig despite his reprehensible conduct at the expense of the Star Wars franchise.

Maybe the saddest part of this whole subject is that these mainstream outlets are too darn forgiving of a writer with no remorse for making hideous errors in the past. And the way they gush over him is also unbearable.

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Controversy breeds attention in this day and age. As soon as he's no longer valuable to the public, off to the unemployment line with him. That's how today's entertainment works.

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