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Monday, June 10, 2019 

How will Max Lord be portrayed in Wonder Woman movie sequel?

I looked at this Bounding Into Comics item about the upcoming WW sequel, to premiere next year, and which is set in 1984. Now it's understandable some find it fishy that Gal Gadot, in the titular role, could be wearing full body armor, which I don't think the Amazons ever wore before or after Crisis on Infinite Earths, but what's also alarming is whether the Justice League's benefactor from the late 80s, Maxwell Lord, is going to be in a baddie's role:
A report indicates that Trevor is able to return to the land of the living and look like he hasn’t aged a day despite around 40 years passing due to the machinations of the villainous Maxwell Lord, who might be played by Pedro Pascal.
If they're basing Lord's characterization on how he was portrayed in the mid-2000s circa Infinite Crisis, that hateful crossover existing only as an excuse to kill off Blue Beetle Ted Kord (and later to see WW snap his neck, for which she then gets condemned by Superman and Batman), then all I can say is they went very cheap for their "wellspring". Did I mention the Countdown special where the destruction of Lord took place in 2005 was co-written by Greg Rucka, Geoff Johns and Judd Winick?

In fairness, it could be BIC is the one sloppily citing Lord as though he was a villain, when a little fact-checking would show he was anything but that when he debuted around 1987. But, if WB really did inject Lord into the role of a crook per se in live action, they've compounded a horrible wrong, one I don't think needs any bankrolling for.

Now, as for the advertised costume for WW, here's the picture director Patty Jenkins is promoting:

I'm honestly wondering what's the big deal about this? Why all of a sudden a modest costume for WW? I noticed one of the commentors at BIC said:
Umm... Errr….. Are they Captain Marveling us here? Dicking with the past and leaving us lots of questions about how the effects of this movie that should change the future movies don't change anything? I get nervous when movies are inserted between other movies.
It may be that the traditional costume will be present in the sequel. But if it's not, or it's marginalized in favor of this insult to the intellect, that'll be a slap in the face after the success of the first film, which showed a solid majority accepted the classic bustier costume and thought it acceptable for young girls too. What would suddenly make them cave to PC and worry everyone with an outfit that's more modest/covered up than any armor worn by the Amazons in prior WW stories?

And again, if Max Lord's been done an injustice in this upcoming film sequel, it's uncalled for and sullies the earlier Justice League stories from the late 80s.

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Do movie writers even know who Max Lord is?

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