Though Neal Adams still hates Trump, he's willing now to attack the Democrats
Horror in America and the congress is to pussy-whipped to IMPEACH THE MONSTER! He is making monsters of ALL OF US!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 27, 2019
He grips our throat, and we do NOTHING! NOTHING!!!!
Democrats are cowards and spineless wretches! He wallows in our cowardice!
Well at least that's getting somewhere, as far as a leftist's willingness to signal disillusionment at the Dems can go. Also, interestingly enough:
I have been asked to attend a comic con in Saudi Arabia by, I'm told, the royal family, who's prince , "may have had" had a reporter,,...dismembered.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 27, 2019
I was asked to propose a price and conditions.
I will be damned if I will do any such thing.
Will YOU???
How about that. He's even willing to take the House of Saud to task for their own evils, which have included forcing women to wear veils, forbidding them to drive or leave the house alone without a male escort, Islamic sharia-based policies which they may hopefully be abandoning, but you can never be too sure until actual proof's been clearly displayed. And IIRC, Adams is of Jewish descent, so in the end, he probably wouldn't be allowed to visit Saudi Arabia anyway. In any event, no amount of money should be worth taking to visit such a living horror story so long as it stands erect (and they actually have comics conventions? Just how censored are they in content, I wonder? Would Wonder Woman imagery be permitted, fully unabridged? Good question).
COLLUSION, OBSTRUCTION, GUILTY AND IMPEACHMENT ....NOW!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 28, 2019
Mitch McConnell? Is no longer a human being, since he lost his soul. His 'soul; being a Constitution to believe in!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 29, 2019
For him it has become money and corruption!
Don't judge a book by it's cover. Judge it it by the words around it's shriveled soul!. Mitch_
So, he doesn't like McConnell any more than he does Trump. What a shame, because McConnell suffered horrifying incitement, and Twitter decided he was the danger, not his leftist antagonists. And here's more:
Democrats and SANE PEOPLE!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 29, 2019
What happened in Germany when you people ignored Hitler and RE-acted instead of ACTING!
It's begun in full force at the Mexican border and in the depths of American Government! Democrats are cowards and suck as the bully of the world's playground STRUTS
Amazing. Though he takes the reprehensible path of comparing illegal immigrants to Jewish and Roma refugees during WW2, he does express disillusionment in the Democrats, and alludes to FDR's abominable record full of double-standards (on which note, wasn't he a Democrat too?). But then, there comes more Trump-bashing:
If you support Trump, sadly make this clear,... You are NOT a Republican! You are an ignorant BIGOT!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
I live on 27th street near/at 6th avenue on 9/11 , to my sadness! In line of sight of the crumbling twin towers!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
I was not equipped to help, nor was DONALD TRUMP!
Donald is a LIAR! No one ever "saw" Donald "NEAR" the terrible disaster, nor did he lose "hundreds of friends"! SCUM
Moscow Mitch enables Russia and he and his wife are PAID to do so to America's embarrassment and very real horror!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
Does he KNOW the fear and loathing that penetrates our minds when we see him approach the microphone?
But Donald wasn't even POTUS at the time; it was Dubya who was! And what proof does he have that Trump, who'd been a liberal years before, never mourned 9-11's victims? Or that McConnell and his wife are KGB agents? This is most disgusting.
Have you been invited to be hosted to be a guest of the Royal Family to attend their ComicCon in Saudi Arabia ?— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
You might want to find something better to do at that time! oh,...killing cockroaches... supporting Donald Trump!
Well as a matter of fact, depending on the subjects involved, of course supporting Trump would be far better than going to a living horror tale like Saudi Arabia. For example, how about supporting Trump for moving the US embassy to Jerusalem? As far as foreign affairs go, that's a plus.
Do you ALL know that Donald Trump did not know and STILL DOES NOT KNOW ,...what "DRAIN THE SWAMP" actually means???— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
It was presented as a theme during the 'election' he tried it and PEOPLE approved! Surprised, he used it.
Do you understand???? Sad.
I don't think Adams knows that the leftist ideologies he otherwise ignores have led to much of the world's chaos today. If not, nothing will be solved without a closer look under a magnifying glass.
Republican Congress has become The U.S. AGENT FOR RUSSIA! And no one moreso than Moscow Mitch McConnell the Blocker of Legislation that curbs our SWORN ENEMY. McConnell,...who HATES AMERICA and LOVES HIS PURSE!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
That's it, sell ARMS TO the greatest terrorist state in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia!!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
Congress has NO BACKBONE, and crumples in the face of a MADMAN!
In the last election why didn't you focus on the Senate as well?
Spineless AND stupid!
On this, let me say the following: if Trump is providing any kind of weapons to the House of Saud, yes, that is wrong. But if Obama did anything similar, and Adams said nada, then this is classic hypocrisy at work.
You F**KS are taking a MONTH OFF? In the MIDDLE OF A CONGRESSIONAL WAR with a MAD PRESIDENT to let him ply his Un-American trade?— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
YOU send young men to FIGHT YOUR WARS,...SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, and you desert the country while it BURNS?!
You, ALL should be drawn and quartered
That could've been said about WW2. If he recognizes the just cause in fighting that war, he'd do well to recognize the just cause in stopping Iran, who've been building nuclear weapons for many years, and Obama practically enabled it with the faustian deal he oversaw.
Donald, Morning Joe speaks truth to madmen!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) July 30, 2019
The good guys are learning YOUR slimy tactics!
To bad it has to come to this. It demeans the good guys.
Shameless Moscow Mitch and Kremlin Trump, are the enemy of America
Is he talking about Joe Biden, who's been accused of sexual misconduct? Sigh. This is no improvement over any of the mistakes Adams made so far.
Donald just did an ad that said illegal and legal immigrants shouldn't get free health care,...AS IF, by doing so "REAL AMERICANS" wouldn't get theirs!— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 1, 2019
Donald, you are a miserable INHUMAN PUTZ!
Okay, now it sounds like Adams is using moral equivalence, claiming Trump sees no difference between legal and illegal entrants to the USA. Simply shameful.
Congress Legislate tariffs out of the hands of the President. At least make the effort. Donald destroys everything he touches, and now it's the economy. What is wrong with you people? What has to happen to wake you up?— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 1, 2019
You cowardly Democrats are equally responsible for dead bodies killed by the nuts unleashed by Trump's approval. You will never be able to escape responsibility. You are guilty of cowardice in the face of a bully. You can stop him by impeaching him.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 3, 2019
Do you think standing aside and watching Trump enable these atrocities by his approval, that you escape responsibility. You are miserable cowards, as guilty as the men who hold the gun. You are just doing your job. You are miserable dogs.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 3, 2019
Democrats, how do you sleep at night? While people are dying. And you have the tools to stop him, and all you care about is politics. You are the same as Trump.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 3, 2019
Democrats. Again, you let this diseased bigot spread his poison to the monsters of America. Monsters that need no longer hide in the shadows, but walk among us. You Dems share this quilt. Everything he touches, turns to sh*t.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
Democrats, strip him of his powers, for as long as he is in office. No terrorists, no immigration. Beg the media not to play his sh*t. Sue him for every infraction, and impeach him, you lily-livered cowards. People are dying.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
Democrats. Intelligent people learn with experience. That with attention, people take you seriously. So you modify your words. Donald Trump cannot modify his words. His words bring death. On the streets and at borders, you are blind like Germans in the face of Hitler.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
Democrats, instead of stripping him of his powers, you are having debates. They blind you to the monster, who is laughing and calking at his own evil, and how you are too distracted to even pay attention. There is evil.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
At least he's attacking the Dems again for their own reprehensible conduct. But a pity he won't abandon that whole anti-Trump idiocy.
Democrats and Republicans. The fox is in the chicken coup. Most of you don't believe there is evil in the world, or maybe there shouldn't be. But there is. There are people consciously committing and you have let this one into the chicken coup.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
Do you understand? Bigotry is evil. As Hitler rose to power, on the back of bigotry that he stoked and used.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
You Dems. and Republicans are today exactly the same. When will you wake up?
And, he sees the Democrats and Republicans as no different from each other. Not even if the latter really do have members trying to ensure better laws and education.
When Donald Trump's gaze falls on a thing, it withers toward death. Immigration, the economy, the ecology, civil liberties, freedom and justice for all. You are turning a blind eye to evil, and he is faster than you.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
Cory Booker. You are a wimp. You say Trump is "contributing" to the violence in America. No sir! He alone is creating this crisis of violence in this country. No one else. He alone. Call him out you coward. Who else is as guilty as he? No one.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
I have never seen such a wishy-washy bunch of chicken sh*ts. You sit in the peanut gallery and wonder if you should speak up. People are dying. These murderers credit Trump and his encouragement to commit violence. They credit him. And you?— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
You Democratic mealy mouth cretins, are forgiving Trump with your every word. "Trump and people like him". "Trump and his neighbors".— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
It's Trump and only Trump, that forgives acts of terror on minorities, and you are too stupid to know it.
You call upon Trump to speak out against terror? Are you f**king kidding? He caused it. He made it happen. He forgives the terrorists. What is wrong with the Democrats? He p*sses in your face and you forgive his bladder.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
You "candidates"on MSNBC, the only bastion of morality in this country, call for Trump to speak out. HE already has spoken out. He's called for these murders, and forgiven the guilty. Fools.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
By enabling Trump and not condemning him, and taking his powers away, you have made yourself as bad as he.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 4, 2019
WORSE, because you know the difference. He is too stupid to know the difference. You don't know how to be a punk and see your enemies. He does.
Is he aware the perpetrator of the massacre in Dayton, Ohio was a leftist/socialist? And that the bloodbath at Fort Hood was the work of an Islamofascist at the time Obama was POTUS? Oh, and since we're talking about Obama again:
YOU'VE HEARD OF MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE. This is Trump-made economic disaster. Obama's fantastic economy is being destroyed by one man. Congress, take this power away. Cowards.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
Do you understand that America's economy was fantastic at the end of Obama's tenure? And that Trump is chipping away at our farmers, our workers, and our our capitalist country for the sake of Putin.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
Senators quitting the congress because you think we will welcome you at home, after you have nearly destroyed the country. You are not welcome back, and Americans, they just take you down. You have become our Nazis. Our gangsters, and our bigots.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
So Obama "improved" economy, not Trump, despite reports that straighten the record out. This says plenty too.
Rachel and msnbc have pointed out racist organiztions in previous years have been effectively damaged by victims suing their support organizations. Bankrupting them and their families, and structure.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
Guests suggest these organizations and their supporters slip from one place to another, organization to another. History will tell you "cut off the head". Or to put it plainly, sue Donald Trump into oblivion.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
Victims of white supremacy can sue their enabler, Donald Trump, the President of the United States. No one has done more than Donald Trump to enable and support these white supremacists and their acts of violence. He is the leader, the enabler. He is guilty.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
Some of whom happen to be leftist moonbats? Hmm, I gotta wonder if his ignorance is deliberate. Because, he then says:
Who is supporting gun violence by white supremacists? On the internet and on the media. Who fosters racial hate in America that has led to all these deaths? The responsibility goes directly to the white house.— Neal Adams (@nealadamsdotcom) August 7, 2019
And only while Trump is living there, right? Man, the way these liberal ignoramuses keep going and going with all this nonsense is stunning. Yet again, Adams refuses to ask whether a liberal education system is leading to all these shooting monsters. Granted, Adams is critical of the Dems, but it still doesn't really relieve the senses after all the dismaying attacks he's written against conservatives. So why'd he even bring up the topic of rightists in comicdom facing discrimination if he wasn't going to stick with the argument? It's very sad to see a talented artist crumble like this in his old age, and refuse to set a better example by not using such social media sites to espouse his otherwise dismal rants. This isn't going to save the comics industry.
Labels: conventions, Europe and Asia, islam and jihad, misogyny and racism, moonbat artists, politics, terrorism, violence
Looks like somebody has been watching CNN,MSNBC and NPR while infected with the Twitter anti-Trump mind virus. Speaking of Nazis, this kind of propaganda and feed back is how you get actual Nazis. Even if they call themselves something else, like anti-nazis. I'd say Adams has gone full Nazi. You never go full Nazi.
Posted by
Mr. Bee |
3:13 PM
We could have used some of Adams' anti-Russia fighting spirit during the Cold War. But back then, leftists were blaming the US for the arms race, and were accusing Reagan of wanting to start WWIII.
Posted by
TC |
3:29 PM
"Moscow Mitch" did not sell uranium to Russia. And the Russian buyer did not donate money to a phony charity that was a front for McConnell's political slush fund.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:58 PM
Trump unequivocally condemned the mass shootings and the killers' ideology. Unlike Obama, who said that "we can't get on our high horse" and condemn Islamic terrorist attacks, because Muh Crusades and Muh Inquisition hundreds of years ago.
And Trump is "chipping away" at farmers by promoting improved trade deals and expanding agricultural markets.
The midwest did not share in Obama's "fantastic economy." But the Obama years were probably good for the limousine liberals (and country club conservatives) in Beverly Hills and Bel Air, who were able to exploit "undocumented immigrants" (i.e., illegal aliens) for cheap labor.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:14 PM
The republicans and democrats in Congress passed a bi-partisan bill preventing arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Trump vetoed it.
Previous arms sales to the Saudis were before they murdered a U S resident under the protection of the American government. Trump has made excuses for that murder.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:42 AM
“Is he talking about Joe Biden, who's been accused of sexual misconduct?” Biden hasn’t been accused of sexual misconduct. He has been accused of being touchy-feely. Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct. He has boasted about it.
Morning Joe is an on-air tv personality, Joe Scarborough, who used to be friends or at least on good terms with Trump before he election; he is not talking about Joe Biden.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:59 AM
Refugees who come to the US and make a claim for refugee status are in the
US legally until their claim is decided. They are not illegal immigrants. You many not like that law, but it is the law right now.
Adams has been involved extensively in Holocaust education over the past
few years, and has donated his talents for that purpose over and over again. Stan Lee and Joe Kubert worked with him on some of those projects before their deaths. You can look up their animatics on Youtube. When he compares the refugees of the World War II era to the refugees of today, he knows what he is talking about.
The principles Adams is acting on are the same ones he has had all his life; it is not like he is saying these things out of senility.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:13 PM
."But the Obama years were probably good for the limousine liberals (and country club conservatives) in Beverly Hills and Bel Air, who were able to exploit "undocumented immigrants" (i.e., illegal aliens) for cheap labor."
Trump has been one of the limousine liberals who has been hiring undocumented immigrants as laborers. They worked at his golf clubs and on his construction projects and laundered his bvds. It was only when he started getting bad publicity over it that he let them go.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:41 PM
"...Muh Crusades and Muh Inquisition hundreds of years ago."
Muh Crusades and Muh Inquisition? Muh goodness, who talks like that outside of 8chan? Why not just come out and say "I am a fascist troll dude" instead of hinting at it like that?
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:09 AM
The Dayton shooter may have been left of center politically, but his crime seems unrelated to that side of him; his targets weren't political. The El Paso shooter was an anti immigrant racist who deliberately set out to kill Mexicans and Mexican-Americans and travelled hundreds of miles to a border city to find them, just after posting an anti immigrant screed to the internet that used language cribbed from Fox MSM and the president. That is political.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:35 AM
"Trump has been one of the limousine liberals who has been hiring undocumented immigrants as laborers. They worked at his golf clubs and on his construction projects and laundered his bvds. It was only when he started getting bad publicity over it that he let them go."
This isn't quite accurate. Trump wineries and golf clubs still hire undocumented immigrants; they let a few go who had been publicized in the news, but the general practice didn't change.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:38 AM